Real facts about the Democrats’ war on women – IOTW Report

Real facts about the Democrats’ war on women

WT [Tammy Bruce] : Why is the Clinton campaign obsessed about spinning what Donald Trump says about women? It’s because they’re desperate to have you not notice the damage President Obama and the Democratic Party are actually inflicting on women’s lives.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about the Obama debacle, it’s the importance of realizing what politicians say is very, very different from what they do. So while liberals everywhere want you to become enraged at some politically incorrect things Mr. Trump has said, let’s take a look a look at what Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton and their Democratic machine have actually done to the quality of women’s lives during these past seven years.

Last year Stephen Moore reported in The Washington Times the poverty rate among women was 16.1 percent, a 20-year high. He also reported, “The female labor force participation rate is now 56.4 percent, the lowest in more than 25 years … . An all-time high 57 million women over the age of 16 are out of the labor force today and not collecting a paycheck.”

According to CNN, data from the Census Bureau confirms 3.7 million women fell into poverty under Mr. Obama’s watch, while the median annual wage for women has dropped $732.  more

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