Really, Joaquin, no one was targeted or harassed? – IOTW Report

Really, Joaquin, no one was targeted or harassed?

Patriot Retort: Joaquin Castro – the moronic imbecile who tweeted out the personal information about San Antonio residents who’ve donated to President Trump – put a target on their backs.  And he really doesn’t think he did. 

But, he did.

14 Comments on Really, Joaquin, no one was targeted or harassed?

  1. And to this day no conservative has released this assholes home address. It’s a matter of public record. Conservatives Todays are like the fat kids in school that are scared to fight back.

  2. It doesn’t matter how you write the query, what terms you include or exclude, but if you try to find cases of conservatives or republicans doxxing leftists, progressives, antifa, or democrats you will not get any such results. All you get is a long list of the opposite: dems/progs doxxing conservatives.

    I’m reconsidering my opposition to doxxing the doxxers. Maybe it’s time for “torches and pitchforks” outside of some of their homes.

  3. The Castro’s are “LaRaza” babies. They are nothing more than the product of their environment and upbringing. They are terrorists and the children of terrorists. Because, terrorists raise up terrorists. Their mother was deeply involved in the La Raza Unida (The Race United) movement. People like this (and much, much worse) infiltrate our government and society because “We the People” tolerate it. The problem is us.

  4. The only thing these insane libtard commies
    will understand is .223 to the head…
    It WILL come to that.
    Both of those Castros are disgusting nauseating pukes.

  5. No, too late for pitchforks and torches….. time to employ the rope! and lots of it!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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