Reason #65,379 why we need to change Presidential Pensions – IOTW Report

Reason #65,379 why we need to change Presidential Pensions

Patriot Retort:

Why on earth are American taxpayers being forced to fund Presidential Pensions for multi-millionaires?

Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve addressed this issue. In fact, I’ve hit on this three times in the last couple years.

In March of 2016 when President Obama requested an 18% increase in Presidential pensions – just in time for him to receive one, I wrote about it.

And I pointed it out again a year ago when Barack Obama received his first 6-figure payment for making a speech. At that time I argued that at some point you’ve taken enough taxpayer money.

In that post, I wrote:

Last year Congress passed a bill that would curtail presidential pensions for any former president earning more than $400,000 a year.

Barack Obama vetoed it.

Of course he did.

But now that the former President is raking in cash hand over fist, Congress is considering revisiting that bill in hopes that President Trump will sign it.

Because let’s face it. At some point you’ve taken enough taxpayer money.

Finally, I touched on it in September 2017, when we learned that the Obamas will be costing the American taxpayers $1,153,000.00 in 2018.

But the news that Netflix has signed a sweet deal with the Obamas gives me one more reason to call attention to this taxpayer-funded scam.

In 1958, Congress passed the Former Presidents Act. This enacted an annual pension plus expenditures for life for every former president.

For the record, the Presidential Pension is $205,700 a year for life.

So why are the Obamas costing us over five time that in 2018?

16 Comments on Reason #65,379 why we need to change Presidential Pensions

  1. The six-figure payments for speeches needs investigation. Short of the speaker telling us how to stop the asteroid of doom, no speech is worth that much. Those fees have to be payoffs for some huge favors.

  2. At the time the Former Presidents’ Act was passed, former presidents faded back out of the spotlight and became college professors or elder retired statesmen.

    The new era of ‘Presidente For Life’ as a career is not what was envisioned by this country’s founders.

    And they would be totally against what the current Former Presidents are doing against the current President.

  3. At some point reality is going to have to set in and all Defined Benefit Plan Pensions from the Feds, the State and Municipal employees are going to end up being means tested. People will bitch, threaten and whine but if it isn’t done people will end up with nothing. It may not be fair but then most of the plans as negotiated aren’t fair to the taxpayor.

  4. I have a lot of faith knowing DJT would have made more money sans presidency than if elected. Whereas Jugears would currently be in Chicago hearing locking doors at intersections if not elected.

    MAGA 2018 2020

  5. Easy fix: change presidencial years served per 1 election to 20 years, effective immediately. Oh man, I should have been a congressman. I have great ideas people! God save the Queen!

  6. Oh, come on! The whole point of “public service” is to enrich oneself at the expense of the taxpayers!

    Sheep are MEANT to be sheared!
    When they’re too old for wool, they’re MUTTON!

    Baah, baah, baah … it’s SO unfair! … baah, baah, baah!

    “Eagle don’t hate sheep; eagles LOVE sheep! They’re so tasty!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “Once out of office, Truman quickly decided that he did not wish to be on any corporate payroll, believing that taking advantage of such financial opportunities would diminish the integrity of the nation’s highest office. He also turned down numerous offers for commercial endorsements”.


  8. I’d be pleased if they were given free clothing, room and board in solitary at Leavenworth for life. Adding a 50kv shock collar that activated every time “I” was said would be a nice bonus.

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