Rebel News pummels Pfizer CEO with questions at World Economic Forum – IOTW Report

Rebel News pummels Pfizer CEO with questions at World Economic Forum

Rebel News: Avi Yemini and I were standing on the street at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, when we spotted Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, walking by.

It was the moment we were waiting for: one of the most hated men in the world going for a leisurely stroll because he assumed he was amongst friends. After all, in the three years since the pandemic began, have you ever seen a journalist ask him a tough question?

Well, he didn’t count on Rebel News and our accountability style of citizen journalism.

I walked right up to him and started asking him the questions that millions of people have surely been wondering for years. And a moment later, Avi joined in, making it a sort of walking press conference. And Bourla couldn’t answer a single question.

You know, there are hundreds of “accredited” journalists here at the World Economic Forum — the biggest names in news, from CNN to the New York Times. But you have to understand: they’re all here as WEF members, not to hold the WEF to account. They’re on Pfizer’s team. They would never ask Pfizer a tough question.

I really don’t think their CEO knew what hit him today.

10 Comments on Rebel News pummels Pfizer CEO with questions at World Economic Forum

  1. Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, has a degree in Veterinary Medicine not Human…

    Are you taking jabs promoted by dog doctor>>> Huh?

  2. Chickity China the Chinese Chicken
    JANUARY 19, 2023 AT 6:49 AM
    “Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, has a degree in Veterinary Medicine not Human…

    Are you taking jabs promoted by dog doctor>>> Huh?

    “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
    -some smug FDA asshole in a different context.

  3. SNS funny you mention that about the FDA as they have removed all over the counter antibiotics for animals to save the people they claim.

    We only had two antibiotics we could buy OTC, Penicillin and Oxytetracycline.
    So if we’re not a cow or a horse then why are they taking the cows and horses antibiotics away to save the people? lol

  4. Old Racist White Woman
    JANUARY 19, 2023 AT 8:23 AM

    …maybe they also want to make it more difficult and expensive to treat animals too, in order to jack up the food supply.

    With the folks in charge now, there’s no gauge for how far they will go to kill their own population, and you know how Commies love to starve people…

  5. SNS, it is going to be more expensive. For just a small example in my real life. We had a calf that was sick about 10 years ago, I took it to the vet, because it’s like pulling hen’s teeth to get a vet out to the farm. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with it, as it was behaving in a way I hadn’t seen before. The vet didn’t know what was wrong with it either, which is usually how smart the vets around here are, but he decided to give it a dose of penicillin and another long lasting antibiotic shot at the same time. He charged me more for that one dose of penicillin then I could buy an entire bottle for and the long lasting antibiotic shot was $200. So after a $40 office charge, $80 penicillin shot, $200 antibiotic shot, $25 fecal later the calf died. I could have saved myself a ton of money just giving it a shot I took from my $60 500 cc bottle(at the time, it’s over $100 now) of penicillin or $20 100 ml bottle of LA-200 and calf booster and pro-bios and still had a dead calf.
    There’s a reason we use vets sparingly, because usually those working with large animals are as dumb as rocks.
    I have so many similar stories about idiot vets.

    My favorite is the idiot who wouldn’t give us what we needed to make a sow dilate, because according to him she not only wasn’t in labor, but she wasn’t even bred. She had 12 babies inside her. We lost them all and her, and could have saved them if he had not been a dumbass. His excuse was well I’m not god. I told him yeah, but I told you she was bred, I told you she was in labor and even told you I’d pay the ultrasound fee for you to see there were babies. So you’re an idiot.

  6. Old Racist White Woman
    JANUARY 19, 2023 AT 9:59 AM

    Forgive my ignorance about veterinary things, but if dilation was needed she was pretty far along? I know pigs are fat and heavy and rather low slung, but could not the vet palpate for one or more of the babies? Seems like with 12 of them in there and near term, with a pig lying on its side that he should be able to feel or maybe even see SOMETHING?

    Even HUMAN doctors seem to have set aside the basic observational pillars of physical assessment: inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

    Maybe not “percussion” so much in this case, but seems like ONE of those should have shown him the error of his ways, had he DONE them…

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