Recall Newsom Campaign Closes In On 1.9 Million Signatures – IOTW Report

Recall Newsom Campaign Closes In On 1.9 Million Signatures

California Globe:

On Friday, the campaign to recall Governor Gavin Newsom closed in on 1.9 million signatures, coming closer to meeting the 2 million signature goal.

While state law only requires 1.495 million valid signatures, campaigners have pushed for the 2 million signature goal to allow for up to 25% of signatures to be invalid and still reach the ballot. While the California Secretary of State’s office has revealed that 84% of all signatures processed so far have been valid, the California Patriot Coalition/Recall Gavin Newsom 2020, the campaigners behind the petition, don’t want to leave anything to chance.

As of Thursday, the campaign has recorded 1.825 million signatures so far, a jump of well over 100,000 signatures in only a week. While the figure had slowed down from the previous weeks total of close to 200,000 signatures, it is still well on pace to reach 2 million signatures by the March 10th deadline. The campaign actually has an extra week, as the 10th is a self-imposed deadline from the state signature deadline of March 17th, ensuring more reserve time for signature collection if needed.

“It’s not about if it will go through, but when it will go through, and it will go through,” noted Senior Advisor and Official Spokesman of the California Patriot Coalition – Recall Gavin Newsom 2020 Committee Randy Economy on Thursday. “The heavy lifting is continuing and we think there will be a special election later this year.”

Since November, Governor Newsom has embroiled himself in a series of actions that have alienated him from many Californians. A botched vaccine rollout, his controversial school reopening plan, the ongoing $31 billion EDD fraud case, and fallout from lockdowns and tsunami of small business closures due to his ordered lockdowns has kept voter resentment high. read more

15 Comments on Recall Newsom Campaign Closes In On 1.9 Million Signatures

  1. The recall statute needs to be amended so that any elected official recalled is

    — ineligible to ever hold another elected office
    — ineligible for any govt job
    — stripped of govt pension and retirement benefits
    — branded ASSHOLE on the forehead

    OK, that last one’s negotiable. I’d settle for a tattoo that says SCHMUCK.

  2. The first goal was 1,500,000, Where did the extra 500,000 come from? Was that to be added in case they met the first goal. When the second goal his reached, they will add another 500.000?
    This smells like Dimwit horse manure!

  3. The funniest, well saddest, well, ironical part of this entire process is Newsoms camps insistence of signature verification. Really? Didn’t seem to matter much a couple months ago.

  4. Uncle Al – Lieutenant Aldo “The Apache” Raine could carve ASSHOLE in his forehead while Donny “The Bear Jew” Donowitz would give him some batting practice!

  5. How many of the people that voted him in are unhappy enough to vote him out this time?

    Are the signers mostly among those who voted against him in the last election or do they include a significant number of those who voted for and supported him?

  6. @ Extirpates
    “While state law only requires 1.495 million valid signatures, campaigners have pushed for the 2 million signature goal to allow for up to 25% of signatures to be invalid and still reach the ballot. While the California Secretary of State’s office has revealed that 84% of all signatures processed so far have been valid, the California Patriot Coalition/Recall Gavin Newsom 2020, the campaigners behind the petition, don’t want to leave anything to chance.”

  7. He’ll claim that it needs to be audited and every signature verified and republicans will go along with him. (or just put up a fake, perfunctory stink)

    That’s the way it always is.

  8. “Can we do the same for Biden?”

    Elected Federal officials can’t be recalled, they have to be voted out in the next election or impeached and removed by Congress to get rid of them.

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