Recent Prop. 47 Study and Article Fail to Give Full Analysis on Crime in California – IOTW Report

Recent Prop. 47 Study and Article Fail to Give Full Analysis on Crime in California

CPR: More people are leaving California than entering; so the question is why? Could it be higher than national average home prices, unfriendly family policies or could it be the possible uptick in crime? Underlying social pressures highlight the difficulty of staying in California and the continuance of progressive, Democratic voters to not look at the reality of what’s plaguing our state. But the patterns of who’s moving in, and who’s moving out, underline some of the social and economic pressure that have made California, and other coastal areas, so prohibitively expensive; but also progressively unsafe.

If you believe a recent article by Sal Rodriguez in the OC Register who quotes a study by University of California Irvine (UCI) professor of criminology, law & society, Charis Kubrin that concludes, “Prop. 47, didn’t have any significant uptick on crime,” then why are so many Californians complaining about increased crime while others are fleeing the state?  more here

7 Comments on Recent Prop. 47 Study and Article Fail to Give Full Analysis on Crime in California

  1. The vast majority of those leaving are white. It’s “white flight” on a macro scale. Obvious to me, but never part of the narrative. California will soon be returned to Mexico.

  2. The “study” is a classic example of how progressivism has corrupted science. The author of the study had a preconceived opinion, and then eliminated any evidence that did not support that opinion. Journalism has been similarly corrupted, so the OC Register reporter failed to ask critical questions of the UCI professor. Progressives: Ruining education for 75 years.

  3. Awww give her a break, math is hard..

    Ask any rape victim how she/he feels about the rapist getting a citation. Ask anybody who was delibretly infected with HIV how they feel about the attempted murderer getting a ticket. Y’know, just like a parking ticket.


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