Recently Arrived Migrant Arrested After Rape and Murder of EU Official’s Teen Daughter – IOTW Report

Recently Arrived Migrant Arrested After Rape and Murder of EU Official’s Teen Daughter



The investigation into the October rape and murder of a young woman in Germany has seen a significant development after the major operation led to the arrest of a 17 year old Afghan “refugee”.

The body of 19 year old medical student and migrant home volunteer Maria Ladenburger was discovered in a river in the town of Freiburg on the 16th of October. An investigation determined the daughter of a senior European Commission lawyer had been raped, and then drowned.

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22 Comments on Recently Arrived Migrant Arrested After Rape and Murder of EU Official’s Teen Daughter

  1. A once proud nation sacrificing it’s youth in the name of national shame. . . too embarrassed to stand up and fight for it’self. Cultural suicide is a terrible thing to watch.

  2. I damn sure am not hoping for bad things to happen to kids, but maybe if something like that happened here some of these migrant loving libs might rethink their position.

  3. Kind of interesting that the countries that were under Soviet domination and endured decades of communism, don’t want anything to do with the multicultural liberal experience that is destroying the rest of Europe. It’s great to see how much they appreciate their freedom and cultural independence. This outrageous behavior will continue until the people finally rise up and throw the traitors out.

  4. Progressives are constantly evading reality. And it affects everything they do. I see it all the time in my travels.

    It’s like they see the world as giant stage on which a continuous play of wishful thinking is being acted out. But the name of the play is La La Land.

  5. I find it sad that the likes of Merkel didn’t suffer the same fate. But who in their crazied mooselim minds would want old wrinkled Angela? When will liberals ever figure out that open arms to the Arab/Muslim world == hideous deaths?? These Caitiffs will NEVER assimilate. They don’t want to, and despise those who do. Germany should grow some balls and start whole-sale killing them in the streets until the invader numbers are decimated, and they flee back to their sand flea bitten hovels in the stink holes of Muslim countries? Followers of their prophet who killed and raped children is no hero to worship.

  6. This can be laid at the hooves of George Soros. He plotted the Muslim horde pathways across Europe. the World awaits someone to find this old putz and kill him and his boy alex. The only good Soros is a dead Soros.

  7. Tragic, but falls into an all too common category. Multi-culti libs, like all collectivists, have projection embedded into their world views. This young lady looked at others beneficently, and so assumed all people do the same. What a terrible way to find out she was wrong.

  8. “I damn sure am not hoping for bad things to happen to kids, but maybe if something like that happened here some of these migrant loving libs might rethink their position.”

    Joe, They gang raped a 5 year old in Idaho. Nobody cares. It’ll be up to us here pretty soon.

  9. Actual victims. I mean real victims. Victims are afraid to say anything because either they feel sorry for the muslims or they’re afraid to be called rayciss! Or both!
    It’s just so insane! How can you not value your own life and your own sanity?!

  10. The daughter was that of an EU official? It’s the only reason its being looked at. When a crime happens to us serfs and peons (aka normal citizens), most of our elected officials could give a rats ass. Just another statistic.

    But when one of their own becomes a victim? Well then its time to investigate, take this seriously and devote all resources possible to tracking down this crime and administer the proper punishment.

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