RECKLESS, CONFUSED HILLARY Reportedly Bought USED BlackBerry’s On eBay – IOTW Report

RECKLESS, CONFUSED HILLARY Reportedly Bought USED BlackBerry’s On eBay

100% FedUp:

If #UnfitHillary can’t understand how to use an updated version of the BlackBerry, how can anyone really expect she has the mental capacity to act as our Commander in Chief? 

While serving as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton bought her BlackBerrys on eBay because she liked older models that the smartphone company had long retired, a top Republican on Capitol Hill revealed Wednesday.

“I don’t want to get into this too much, but part of what was happening with the secretary of state was, she was acquiring technology that wasn’t even supported by BlackBerry,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told a forum in DC on Wednesday, according to the Washington Examiner.

“You couldn’t buy it. She was actually buying this stuff off of eBay because somebody was selling their old machine. That’s what she liked, so she did. It creates this huge vulnerability. And it’s unnecessary,” the House Oversight Committee chair added in an appearance at the American Enterprise Institute.  MORE

8 Comments on RECKLESS, CONFUSED HILLARY Reportedly Bought USED BlackBerry’s On eBay

  1. She liked older phone models because she is a dinosaur. This is allegedly the smartest, most qualified woman in the history of the world to ever run for office and her knowledge of technology demonstrated in her emails alone was barely rudimentary. They endlessly mocked Bush Sr. for being an out-of-touch rich guy that couldn’t handle being in a supermarket and using a scanner. This woman hasn’t driven in decades, is being treated with outdated medicine, doesn’t understand the basics of Wi-Fi or that ‘C’ means classified per her own admission after 30 years in government service and she wants to use a first edition Blackberry because she isn’t able to learn anything new which is what happens to some people when they get older. So she isn’t prepared or capable of being a leader in the 21st century when she is stuck on 20th century technology and play books. Nothing redeeming about this woman on any level and it is lunacy watching the media try to defend her day after day.

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