Reckoning on the way for those behind political hit jobs – IOTW Report

Reckoning on the way for those behind political hit jobs

Boston Herald | Howie Carr:

Whenever any criminal conspiracy begins to unravel, one overriding question always emerges, about the fate of each low-level perp who actually carried out the felonious instructions of Mr. Big.

The question is: Will he stand up?

No. Next question.

Will he fold under pressure? As Joe Pesci famously asked in “Goodfellas.”

Absolutely yes, he will fold under pressure.

The small-timers always rat out the boss. That’s the true mark of a thug — snitching on one’s fellow criminals.

Forget the nonsense about honor, or omerta. Once the dominoes start tumbling, it’s every stool pigeon for himself. It’s like being at the bakery on a Sunday morning — everybody’s grabbing a number to get in line to spill the beans.

Ask yourself: Would you go to prison to protect the likes of James Comey? Or John Brennan? Or James Clapper?

After all their fantastic lies about Russian conspiracies, all the perjury in front of Congressional committees, all the fawning puff pieces in the fake-news media, the sky is finally dark with chickens coming home to roost. read more

12 Comments on Reckoning on the way for those behind political hit jobs

  1. Justice requires action. All we get is talk. And if the past is any indication, any leftist who could spill the beans will be given blanket immunity without having to divulge anything.

  2. …Democrat Omerta works, in part, because the high ones ALL had to be filmed raping children, so every one has THAT for future use on every OTHER one. That’s why the interest in all things pedo from them.

    …also, they kill people.

    Hillary in particular has been know to kill people by the PLANELOAD to get to ONE guy, just as an example to OTHERS. And the messier, the BETTER.

    …pretty strong headwind there, if rolling just means a Democrat DOJ mole will rat YOU to the DNC WAY before you can testify, after which you’ll be arrested for pedophilia and put in Ebstein’s old cell, where they STILL haven’t fixed the cameras for, some reason…

  3. The rats will ask themselves which is worse? A long prison term? Or a shorter sentence followed soon after by Epsteinesque-suicide in their prison cell where, surprise, surprise, the security CCTV isn’t working?

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