Record 95,055,000 Americans Out Of The Labor Force – IOTW Report

Record 95,055,000 Americans Out Of The Labor Force

4.6 percent…

Daily Caller: While the unemployment rate dropped and the economy added another 178,000 jobs, the number of Americans out of the labor force hit a record high last month.

According to the Labor Department, 95,055,000 Americans were out of workforce in November, meaning they were neither employed nor had made an effort to find work over the previous month.

The level of Americans outside of the workforce last month — due to retirement, education, discouragement, or otherwise — represented a substantial 446,000 increase over the month of October.  read more


7 Comments on Record 95,055,000 Americans Out Of The Labor Force

  1. Hey!
    Where’s his fooking tie clasp?
    Don’t he know how to dress himself?
    He shoulda used scotch tape for cryin’ out loud.
    He better cut that crap out or some hipster ass-wipe from a fashion magazine will be all over him like a duck on a June Bug

  2. Investigate Mrs. Robinson for covering Barry’s Beard, taking care of 2 kids and 8 years later “qualifying” for a 160K/yr “pension”. My money is being wasted on this waste.

  3. MOST of those not working, also voted for the Kenyan commie. They knew their unearned cushy pay checks would come through and the media would blame Bush for all their problems. Man, did the dems and drug dealers ever hit pay dirt on that one!

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