Record-Breaking Cold in Greenland – IOTW Report

Record-Breaking Cold in Greenland

Greenland just broke the record for the coldest July day ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere at -33C.


But as Tony Heller notes, what’s even more interesting than the temperature record is the way the climate alarmists have tried to spin it.  MORE

14 Comments on Record-Breaking Cold in Greenland

  1. Money quote

    “Climate science is not a science. It is a criminal venture intended to extort money from the public. Whatever they are doing, has nothing to do with science.”

  2. Well, ya see, the more Globaloney Warming warms shit up, the more freezing the World is gonna experience, cuz, uhh, well … Al Gore and that Billiard Ball-looking motherfucker sez so …

    The ONLY way to save the Earth is to send money to Al Gore and that Billiard Ball-looking motherfucker … cuz … well … that’s the ONLY way to save it!

    See how that works?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. How can anyone believe man can control Mother Nature?

    I don’t get the haughtiness of a human being thinking that they have power over climate.

    How many years have we tried putting rain over deserts, or controlled flooding, or stand against a lava flow, or succeeded in turning the direction of a hurricane or tornado?

    Al Gore and his ilk are no more than dumb shits, spewing ever changing crap, in order to enrich themselves. CON ARTISTS. the terms they use are ever changing, because even the snowflakes grow up and begin to see clearly that you CAN’T CHANGE NOTHER NATURE, but sometimes you can try to live with it. But she always wins; floodgates be damned, houses built in lava flows, be damned, flood channels, be damned, dying deserts ignored, rivers re-engineered by man to flow more conveniently, return to THEIR historic flows. And when has anyone harnessed a glacier or a huge iceberg.

    Dumba$$ climate control trolls, trolling for money, while they live the high life. Can’t their cult followers see that?? Who is the dumba$$? The leaders or the cultish zombies?

  4. No matter what happens, it absolutely positively proves global warming/climate change is real and man made. There is no way to have a rational discussion with the warmists.

  5. CNN REPORTS: “See? All of our efforts to reduce warming have worked! The planet is now starting to cool a little bit. Imagine how much worse it would be if we DIDN’T listen to alarmists!”

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