Record gun sales for second month, over 7M this year – IOTW Report

Record gun sales for second month, over 7M this year

WaEx: Gun sales maintained a record pace for a second straight month as people in the United States rushed to arm up amid safety concerns over the growing coronavirus pandemic and the likely nomination by Democrats of the most anti-gun ticket in history.

As in March, when the sweep of the virus shocked the nation, the FBI today said April background checks for gun sales and concealed carry permits hit a new record of 2,911,128 background checks, a surge of 576,879 over April 2019.

March recorded the highest ever number of background checks of 3,740,688, up 1,095,837 over April 2019. read more

11 Comments on Record gun sales for second month, over 7M this year

  1. It is known that the government can simply revoke a “right” at will, for a simple declaration of public safety or heath maybe, or simply ban by decree firearms as openly demonstrated by our current conditions and the decreed into law “bumpstock” ban (where the simple stock for a gun was declared a machine gun in itself and all of them illegal and the owners serious felons if they own one).

    So be sure to run out and buy a gun while providing local, state and Federal authorities of your ownership and possession of one along with all of your personal details included (IOW, a de facto registration without actually using the word).

    Surely, nothing could ever go wrong with this approach and there is nothing to fear from it in the future.

  2. Anonymous,
    That is why I buy all of my full-auto weapons and anti-tank rockets from the guy at the dumpster behind the 7-11! He (she?) never asks me anything, other than “Where da money be at?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim,

    If you live near the southern border, it’s probably easier to find them in Mexico.

    They get used frequently down there even if you don’t hear all that much about it. There has to be a larger supply line for them there than here since they almost never get used here.

  4. I think it’s becoming clear to more and more people that the democrat office holders everywhere now will not be happy until we all relent to be compliant proles in whatever totalitarian shithole they dream up or this country ends up in the bloodiest civil war on the planet in over a century. Because the democrats will never give up until their core thought leaders are all either voted out of power or in the ground. It’s as simple as that.

  5. An armed society doesn’t necessarily ensure that each firearm owner (armed society) is polite, but an armed society does reflect a “free” society.

  6. Good. That’s over seven million new recall petitions on hand. A lot of ammunition is being bought up, too, and each one of those is a potential petition signature.

    I hope I’m wrong and that I merely have failed to think it through. But I simply don’t see any course of action stop the tyranny and to restore liberty by “working within the system”.

  7. “But I simply don’t see any course of action stop the tyranny and to restore liberty by “working within the system”.”

    There isn’t any.


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