Record percentage of 40-year-olds have never been married – IOTW Report

Record percentage of 40-year-olds have never been married

JTN: A record-high percentage of 40-year-olds in the United States have never been married before, according to a new analysis of Census Bureau data. 

One-quarter of U.S. 40-year-olds have never married as of 2021, according to an analysis from the Pew Research Center last week. That number is up from 2010 when 20% of U.S. 40-year-olds had never married.

The percentage of never-married 40-year-olds has been increasing since 1980 when just 6% of Americans this age had never been married.

The poll also showed that men were more likely than women to have never married. Black people are also significantly more likely to have never married, as 46% of black 40-year-olds have never married, more than twice that of white and Asian 40-year-olds. read more

22 Comments on Record percentage of 40-year-olds have never been married

  1. …what’s more worrisome is that women, especially White women, wait later and later to have children without regard for the unavoidable medical fact that the likelihood of birth defecta like Down’s increases dramatically as a woman ages, as does the risk to herself in both the pregnancy and delivery.,women%20under%20age%2035%20years.

    …even the government’s numbers show Down’s increasing over the years, again relating it to mothers having babies later in life.

    …and that’s just one aspect of one of many complications facing a prenancy in a woman in her fourth decade.

    And add to that if she doesn’t have a legal telationship with a man, that will be far worse for her AND the child. I can tell you from personal experience that managing an infant with ANY birth defect is quite challenging for even a younger couple, and it would be EXTREMELY difficult for a single parent to even be able to make all the doctor’s appointments, let alone give the child the necessary care at home while trying to sustain a family as the sole breadwinner. FMLA isn’t PAID leave, so even if you don’t get fired your finances will be EXTREMELY challenging as the medical bills go up and the income goes down.

    No matter what Democrats try to sell you, biology exists and every uteres is on a clock that winds down with each passing year. Putting off kids and family and not having a traditional, LEGAL relationship until late in life isn’t a guarantee of a special needs child, but it definitely exponentially increases the risr and the difficulty. Your reproductive health will not wait upon your convenience, and it’s pretty hard to get a man to pledge his life and income to you over your permanently handicaped child you already excused him of any legal obligation to.

    Sorry if this seems harsh, but I didn’t design the system, God did, and He does not wait upon the convenience of Man.

    Or of woman.

    And there’s nothing any Democrat can do to change that.

  2. There are some accounts on Twitter that present the trans insanity (TroonyTunes) and almost all the postings are likely incel white males all ages pretending to be women, babies, or some bizarre combo often getting some sexual pleasure from their mental illness. Not marriage material.

  3. I wish I had all the money back I spent looking for a good woman to marry. They are far and few between here in the U.S. Wish I’d gone mail order.

  4. I’d been married to my wife for 16 years when I was 40 with 3 kids, an 11- year-old son, my oldest daughter was 7 and my youngest daughter was 4 and a half. When my dad was 40, I was 16 with 3 younger brothers 15, 13 and 11. And my father-in-law had 9 kids under the age of 14 at 40.


    Pussy whipped again
    A Fine mess I found myself in
    Tryin’ to be her buddy
    Trying to make a woman my friend…
    Pussy whipped again
    Blame it on the whiskey and gin
    Oh Lord, I’m pussy whipped again.
    I took my male ego
    And placed it under lock and key
    I swore no God damn woman
    Would ever make a fool of me.
    Then I met this barmaid
    And my whole damn world caved in
    Heaven knows when she sucked my toes
    I was pussy whipped again
    Pussy whipped again
    A fine mess I got myself in
    Tryin’ to be a buddy
    Trying to make a woman my friend
    Pussy whipped again
    Blame it on the whiskey and gin
    Oh Lord, pussy whipped again.
    I knew my chauvenistic ways
    Would someday make her change her mind
    And sure enough she left me
    And just in the nick of time
    Her girlfriend took me around the world
    To places that I’ve never been
    She called my bluff
    And sure enough
    I was pussy whipped again
    Pussy whipped again
    A fine mess I got myself in
    Tryin’ to be her buddy
    Trying to make a woman my friend
    Pussy whipped again
    Blame it on the whiskey and gin
    Oh Lord, pussy whipped again.
    Play it on time…
    Pussy whipped again
    A fine mess I got myself in
    Tryin’ to be a buddy
    Trying to make a woman my friend
    Pussy whipped again
    Blame it on the whiskey and gin
    Oh Lord, pussy whipped again.

  6. I got married when I was 44. I had always told my sister that I wasn’t going to get married until I could afford to keep a wife down in Oregon for a while when she’s getting on my Goddamn nerves.

  7. Militant feminism threw a wet blanket on romance and matrimony. I’m never married, hemophilia in the family and didn’t want to pass on my genes. I’m an only child and my Mom was pissed, she wanted grandchildren. Sorry Mom.

  8. We are in the age of the eternal toddler. And the age of the eternal toddler started some time before my generation. I thought my generation was completely worthless, and time has told that we are, for the most part, fucking worthless.

  9. Divorce laws that totally favor the woman haven’t helped things a bit. Better to live in sin – but even then they’ll get you. The milk’s only free if you’re a looter of color. Cows beat bulls every time.

  10. Outside of my own parents I have never heard anyone VOLUNTARILY say out loud that getting married was the best thing they have ever done. I have heard people saying that having kids was the best thing….but I never heard anyone say that about marriage.

  11. There’s only 1 reason to get married, and that’s so your children aren’t labeled bastards for the rest of their life. How many children are born to a single family household and live in poverty the rest of their life. This is why we have so many homeless children, they’ve never been raised in a 2 parent family. There’s a break down of the family unit, brought to us by the Democrat party, and the embracing of faggotry. We know how it’s all going to end. Those of us who did the right thing are continually bombarded to give up our wealth so a few others to do as they please with it.

  12. P.S. I’ve been married 55 years. Has it been an easy trek? No, it never is when you have 2 children to nurture, get through the teen years, and into their working careers. My 2 children are reaching 50, no children, that’s okay with me. I don’t want unwanted grandchildren. I’m also spared the worry – but my children are the most happiest. I’m good.

  13. @ Dairy Aire AT 12:04 AM

    Not necessarily women. The Divorce Industrial Complex lobbied hard to favor the negligent and irresponsible who deliberately, systematically and gratuitously make it impossible to live with the sonsabitches at the expense of the responsible. Who always ends up funding the attorneys, courts and malicious, maladjusted malcontents? Why it’s the individual who has already suffered significant financial and emotional harm. It is a racket.

    Who advocated for “no fault” divorce? Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit if it wasn’t the progressive movement. What have I been posting for decades about the progressive movement? They exist in order to inflict increased innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    I keep asking for an example wherein “progressive” policies don’t ultimately result in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death, but so far no examples have been delivered that withstood critical examination. Therefore, it must be accepted, progressive policies do this by design.


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