Records released by House Republicans show that Joe Biden repeatedly emailed Hunter Biden’s business associate in 2014 – IOTW Report

Records released by House Republicans show that Joe Biden repeatedly emailed Hunter Biden’s business associate in 2014


Joe Biden exchanged emails with his son Hunter’s business associate 54 times while he was serving as vice president, and some of the messages were sent around the time the elder Biden was traveling to Ukraine and his son was working for a Ukrainian gas company, according to records released by House Republicans. 

A White House spokesperson declined to comment but pointed to statements by House Democrats that Hunter Biden’s business associate, Eric Schwerin, worked as Joe Biden’s financial adviser from 2009 to 2017 and helped him file his tax returns. Schwerin did not respond to requests for comment.

The records released describe the dates of the emails and who exchanged them, but do not include the messages themselves. NBC News has not reviewed the contents of the emails.

All told, then-Vice President Biden emailed Schwerin 35 times before and after his 2014 trips to Ukraine. Five emails were exchanged just prior to a trip by Vice President Biden to Ukraine on June 7, 2014, and 27 emails were sent from the end of June to a second trip to Ukraine by Biden on Nov. 21, 2014. 

The bulk of the communication occurred in the lead-up to and following an agreement for Hunter Biden to serve on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma. more

10 Comments on Records released by House Republicans show that Joe Biden repeatedly emailed Hunter Biden’s business associate in 2014

  1. sooo… yer saying Jackass Joe is a liar???
    He’ll we’ve known that since he wuz a disingenuous, lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarizing, filthy dirt bag, low IQ asshole in college!

  2. WTF are republican house members good for? Can’t pass laws or House bills can’t do a investigation but can sponge a gummerment salary through the guise of trying to appease a fanboy’s cult base.

  3. You’d think that a Guy Who had graduated, at the top of his Class in every

    University in America would be a lot smarter…

    It’d be one thing, if We were being outwitted by an Cabal of Evil Geniuses…

    We’re being Played by some of the Dumbest People on the


    I’ll be out on the front Porch with some Bourbon and a Cigar …Waiting on

    the Revolution to start.


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