Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night – IOTW Report

Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night

A hand recount on Wednesday confirmed that a Michigan county falsely reported on election night a win for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The recount in Antrim County found 9,759 votes for President Donald Trump, versus 5,959 for Biden.

On Nov. 3, county officials said Biden received over 3,000 more votes than Trump. Two days later, they said Trump won by about 2,500 votes. A third change took place on Nov. 21, with Trump being certified the winner by nearly 4,000 votes.

Officials blamed the skewed results on human error.

Antrim County uses Dominion Voting Systems machines and software.

More at Geller Report

6 Comments on Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night

  1. I want them to do a hand re-count of Wayne County. AND if any of the seals on those boxes is broken or disturbed in any way… ALL those votes in the boxes are disqualified. Quit pussyfooting around!

  2. I wonder which argument Democrats will go with on this. Will it be the “well, ok, but that’s not enough to change the outcome” excuse, or will they go with the “by proving massive voter fraud, Republicans are destroying our democracy” excuse?

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