Red Cross Blew It – IOTW Report

Red Cross Blew It


From the Cajun Navy Rescue Ops page: Update on Burton shelter operation;

Volunteers are very disappointed with how the Red Cross has handled their disaster relief efforts in Lake Charles, Louisiana. This is an organization that travels the world setting up shelters and assisting in disaster relief efforts. Why are they so unorganized?

Volunteers witnessed them being very rude to the people taking shelter. These people are being bussed into the Burton shelter. They get off the bus and are told, “We don’t have room for you.” They look around like what is going on, saying “We did not drive the bus here…why did y’all bring us here if it is full?” The Red Cross does not explain to them any type of plan. A volunteer was there witnessing this. They stopped feeding people & told them “The kitchen was closed.” It was terrible. People were very upset.

The Sheriff’s office came in and started taking over after witnessing the inadequate operation. They explained to the people they would be loading them back on buses to go further to the Alexandria shelter. They got food and water, fed them, checked them out medically and sent them on to Alexandria.  MORE

25 Comments on Red Cross Blew It

  1. Many of the people who work for and volunteer for the Red Cross are simply outstanding and work hard at what they do. But I have heard of and run into similar bad attitudes and bad planning to just assume the Red Cross is the best place to send my limited dollars to help out in case of disasters like Harvey. I wish it weren’t so, but there it is.

  2. From my own personal encounters with the Red Cross when I was in the Service, I have no use for them. I won’t go into the details here, but I have heard of similar experiences from many others, including storm survivors. I’m sure they have some good people working for them, but overall, I’m donating my charity money to the Salvation Army.

  3. Red Cross:

    1. Would not test blood for HIV until the gave it to hundreds of people
    2. Then they repeated the same shit years later with Hep C.
    3. They way they handled 9-11 donations.
    4. My own personal dealings with them when I was active duty….. after that alone I would not give them the sweat off my balls

  4. The President and CEO of the American Red Cross total yearly compensation for 2010 was about $1,037,000.

    I refuse to donate to the Red Cross. I donate to Samaritan’s Purse, Salvation Army and Veteran’s groups, DAV, VFW, MOPH and PVA.
    The money goes to needy recipients not CEOs, Executive salaries and their perks.

  5. I stopped giving to the Red Cross whole my husband was in the military. We found out how little of our funds were going to help. Dreadful organization.

    My sister needed emergency help and the
    Red Cross couldn’t be bothered. St Vincent de Paul was literally her life saver.

  6. Maybe a decade ago we had a storm flatten trees here in town. Two blocks over from my house I was helping a buddy chainsaw the trees that fell through his house.

    Red Cross folks walked up and said “What do you need?” We said bar oil for the saws. They mosey on down the street. Little over an hour later two different ones show up, set down two quarts of bar oil, dump half a flat of bottled water and ten pounds of ice into the cooler we had on the driveway. Then they walked off.

    That’s the total extent of my interaction with the ARC.

    Almost forgot. They didn’t try to pilfer the beer we had in the cooler. I count that as a plus.

  7. Only 8% of the donations to the Red Cross reach the people who need them. Rest is for inflated salaries, parties and fund raising. Please give them no money at all.

  8. My interaction with the Red Cross is that I sent in an application for employment, and they snottily emailed me back saying I didn’t meet the minimum qualifications. Actually, I would have been OVER qualified for the job, and UNDER employed. But since they didn’t read my resume, they wouldn’t have known that.

  9. The Red Cross has been making money for Leftists for decades. Another Lefty slush fund, like PP, the unions and the Clinton Foundation.

    Be VERY careful where you spend your charitable dollars. MOST charities that started out as REAL charities, have become perpetual Lefty money pits.

    It’s gotten to where I’m terrified to donate to anyone, or anything.

  10. Kat:
    “The Red Cross has been making money for Leftists for decades.”

    “Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.”
    -John Derbyshire, Conquest’s Laws

  11. They have been firing lower level employees that do the work. Mostly what’s left are higher level leaders who get paid well but don’t know what to do and don’t care to.

  12. As said above; the Salvation Army is one of the most reputable charities. I experienced it personally many years ago.

    I wouldn’t give the Red Cross the sweat off my ass if they were dying of thirst. It would be like donating hard earned money to Al Gore.

  13. You have to watch where the Red Cross sneaks their fingers into the pie, too. In September 2001 I donated by credit card supposedly for the relief of the families of firefighters killed in the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. I got an e-mail back thanking me for my generous donation to the Red Cross. I immediately e-mailed back and told them I wanted the transaction reversed, or I would have it canceled by the credit card company. When that was done I looked up the place to donate directly to those families and sent the money there.

    You see, my father was a fireman for over forty years. I did it for him.

  14. The Salvation Army
    Samaritans Purse
    Operation Blessing
    I have found that these three organizations consistently have boots on the ground very quickly, post disasters. I assume it’s because they each have strong connections within local communities via local church congregations. Plus, I love Franklin Graham, for many reasons; but, particularly for being courageous enough to openly proclaim the realities of Islam.
    The Army’s website automatically directs your donation to your local area. I just typed in Houston, in order to direct it there. I didn’t see a specific link for Harvey. Samaritan has a Harvey banner.

  15. They were majorly incompetent during the Louisiana flooding last year that happened during the election. I have a lot of friends that live around the Baton Rouge area who told me stories of things like them refusing donations, requiring sent donations to be processed through “official collection centers” before they could be handed out, and just generally being power tripping assholes whenever they could. That outfit needs to be audited and taken down a few notches.

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