Red Lobster Is Closing Over 99 Locations – IOTW Report

Red Lobster Is Closing Over 99 Locations


Bidenomics is in full effect.

Red Lobster, a popular seafood chain, has announced it will be closing over 99 locations.

The announcement was made by Neal Sherman, founder and CEO of TAGeX Brands, who announced he is leading the closure over 50 locations of Red lobsters.

The closure of Red Lobster comes due to the chain facing significant debt, unfavorable lease terms, and its all you can eat shrimp promotion backfired. more here

33 Comments on Red Lobster Is Closing Over 99 Locations

  1. The jokes write themselves:
    “We’re losing a ton of money on the all-you-can-eat shrimp deal!”
    “That’s OK. We’ll be fine. We’ll make it up in volume.”

  2. Meh. Ain’t set foot in one for 27 years since my dad died. He was the only person who liked seafood in the family.

    …I may also be a little biased against the place over scent memory though, cause of the time we cleared a choking patient there, and the smell of regurgitated, recently eaten Red Lobster signature Cheddar Biscuits in a light bile sauce REALLY stays with you…

  3. “Red Lobster signature Cheddar Biscuits in a light bile sauce REALLY stays with you…”

    As good as upchucked, 10-hour old, pineapple and cottage cheese salad?

  4. Rule No 1 in the restaurant business is Never, Never, Never reduce the portion size or quantity. People understand price increases, but they come in with certain expectations of quality and quantity.

  5. General Malaise
    SATURDAY, 18 MAY 2024, 12:52 AT 12:52 PM

    The 10 hour old salad I can’t speak to, that’s a pretty specific thing you’re describing.

    The “projectile lime green Jello with tangerines, carrots and cottage cheese” thing I can kind of speak to,I had a baby boy and they do that sometimes.

    Not recommended, no.

    But also not as bad…

  6. BevWKy
    SATURDAY, 18 MAY 2024, 12:50 AT 12:50 PM
    “Never been impressed with Red Lobster in the first place so really no great loss.”

    …the restaurant exterior themeing was nice, so there’s that…

  7. I think the name of the biz is irrelevant. I think the real question is wtf has happened to American Business Management. The endless shrimp things been going on for what? 2 years I think. Apparently the CEO does not talk with the CFO and neither talk to the guy in charge of sales.
    Another good example are the auto manufacturers who sunk huge amounts of money on EV”s with no return. The board of directors of Ford and GM should fire their entire management team. The better do some damn good due diligence before they risk that much capital and they didn’t. They just trusted Joe. And now they’re paying the price.

  8. The one that closed near me had an auction the other day, contents of the building sold for only 15K. The property itself I’m guessing will be an outstanding sum. Corner lot, very busy cross road

  9. Brad
    SATURDAY, 18 MAY 2024, 13:34 AT 1:34 PM

    Business management’s sucked for awhile. I worked for Sears when it was huge, and I remember they hired a CEO who made everyone wear their watch upside-down, had a Vice President of toilets, and my auto shop was managed by the guy from lingerie, for just some highlights. They also gave out lifetime warranties on front end parts back when cars lasted forever if that tells you anything, and sold lifetime 4 wheel alignments for $100 even as they exchanged real DieHard batteries for relabed Goulds and farmed out Craftsman Tool (lifetime warranty) manufacture to the Chinese, so REALLY crappy business decisions have been a “thing” for awhile, they just had a bigger buffer then, is all…

  10. SNS

    I really noticed business management going to hell when the big off shoring craze started. At that time I had 50 plus employees and the majority of our work came from the Semi Conductor Capital Equipment guys. They’d send purchase orders off to China for precision machined parts because the American vendors were 10 times their price. And then 6 weeks later one of us would machine the parts with a big fat expedite charge because the Chinese part were junk and the needed to ship their assembles. You’d think they would have learned after a couple times. Nope.

  11. Ahem…. “…Craftsman Tool (lifetime warranty)…” have you tried to return a slipping 1/2 inch drive ratchet? They now require a receipt for certain tools. Kinda crazy IMHO! Oh, and I am not surprised the location in Colonial Heights, VA is closing as we were big Captain Tom’s fans when I worked the area.

  12. 𝒞𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓇FJB𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎 – I well remember the famous slipping ratchet with the “lifetime warranty”.
    The warranty was a repair kit and “fix it yo self sucuh”

  13. Back in the day, you walked into a Sears, handed them your bad tool, they got a new one off the wall and handed it to you, boom, done. Didn’t even do paperwork.

    But after the Chinese takeover it was done. They sold the brand off anyway long before the stores collapsed, that’s why they’re in weird hardware stores all over now.

    They used to be really posessive of the brand, too. At one time if a mechanic in the backshop had any toolbox other than Craftsman (we all did, I had a Rick Mears Limited Edition Snap-On myself), then we either needed to remove the logo or cover it up.

    After we got done laughing at thar they gave it up, but while I didn’t care for the boxes I liked the USA built Craftsman HAND tools and still have some, but I wouldn’t trust my hand to the Chinese ones, they weren’t nothing but knuckle busters.

  14. Found out the caveat on Craftsman hand tool warranty as to screwdrivers. Local chain hardware store said only applied by model/part number so then found that all the part numbers had changed.

    When is a warranty not a warranty? When the party backing the warranty says so.

  15. Red Lobsters that I’ve been to in the last 10 years are still open. They were OK, since we’re a long ways from actual seafood in the Upper Midwest.

    Hard to see how they’re going to compete with all-you-can-eat fish fries that’s so prevalent in this region. Then there’s the fish you catch and clean yourself. It doesn’t get fresher than same day crappies.

  16. Brad – I think the name of the biz is irrelevant

    My beef is with some of these chik-boutique places put up a sign in some fancy scrolly script that you can’t read without driving into the ditch! If I have to spend more that a second to read it -Fuck ’em!

  17. “If I have to spend more that a second to read it -Fuck ’em!” -Harry

    I know EXACTLY what you mean. Stupid little cluster ‘malls’ with fancy small letters in gray paint on white boards and I’m looking at it from 300′ away going “HUH?” WTF is that?

    It’s a sign of the times!

    *ba da BADABOOM!*

  18. I’m sad to see it go.

    Normal businesses of yesteryear are disappearing and they weren’t really that bad. More that they were inefficient.

    Curious what the better recommendation is here for an everyday lobster restaurant.

  19. Now that you’re talking about Sears tools, I thought they were okay until recently when they redesigned their ratchets handles and made them three times heavier than the head plus as an added bonus they’re slippery as all get out. Totally out of balance and unnecessary.
    Also their tool boxes that they come in instead of the old-fashioned ones that when you open the lid everything falls out, now they make it so hard to pull the sockets out you need a screwdriver to pry them out.
    I’m blaming DEI thing with people designing their new tools that don’t use tools.


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