Red Menace planning to leave White House this spring for MSNBC – IOTW Report

Red Menace planning to leave White House this spring for MSNBC

Axios: White House press secretary Jen Psaki is in exclusive talks with MSNBC to join the network after she leaves the White House around May, according to a source close to the matter.

Why it matters: It’s been speculated for weeks that Psaki would leave the White House for a TV gig. White House communications staffers often negotiate TV jobs once they leave an administration.

Details: Psaki has been in close consultation with the White House counsel’s office about her departure, according to two sources familiar with the plans. She’s been treading carefully on the ethics and legal aspects of her plans.

  • No contracts have been signed. Government ethics rules have stipulations about how public employees can pursue private sector job opportunities while in office. MORE

13 Comments on Red Menace planning to leave White House this spring for MSNBC

  1. Figures. Her current job is akin to clerking for a SC justice, only in a different field. If you aspire to lie for a living and make millions doing it, what better prep for it than as WH press sec’y? And what better place to ply your trade than MSNBC?

  2. I’m confused as to which ignorant, lying-assed black woman takes her place as lead bullshitter for the Spite House?

    Is it the giant toothed bald alien mongoloid or the extremely Sub-Saharan African dark skin but white girl features one?


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