Reddit Community Turns On Bill Nye – IOTW Report

Reddit Community Turns On Bill Nye

Daily Caller: Comedian Bill Nye’s new Netflix TV show, “Bill Nye Saves the Earth,” was harshly criticized on Reddit Tuesday for being too mean and political.


“I am about halfway through Bill Nye Saves the World, and I am completely disappointed. I’ve been a huge fan of Bill Bye since I was ten,” Reddit user Sloth859 wrote. “Bill Nye the Science Guy was entertaining and educational. Bill Nye Saves the World is neither. In this show he simply brings up an issue, tells you which side you should be on, and then makes fun of people on the other side.”

Go see the rest

25 Comments on Reddit Community Turns On Bill Nye

  1. Nye is an egomaniacal, indoctrinated indoctrinator. Save the earth. Please. If this clown passed away tomorrow, the earth would immediatly begin to break down his carcass and convert his remains to energy. With or without him, the planet will be fine. It’s loonies like him that need saving. The man is just crying for help.

  2. What’s wrong with his head (besides being a retard)?
    One of those “forceps babies?” Had to pull his head out of his ass with a pair of vise grips?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The creationist debater I know repeatedly challenged Nye to a debate, even offering to pay all of his expenses, meet wherever Nye said and make it worth his time. Nye never would take him up on it.

  4. I could see how a guy that figured out a way to parlay questionable credentials into millions of dollars by being a fanatical climate change proponent might keep the shtick up for as long and as fanatically as possible.

  5. A few years ago, between gigs, Bill Nye (who is not a scientist, but plays one on tee vee) was pitching “green” cleaning products at a Vegas trade show. Yes, in a booth. And everyone knows he got his start as a bit comic player on Seattle’s Almost Live, a local knock off of SNL. “Speed Walker!”

  6. Thanks to slob Schummer Netflix killed the star rating. Its either up or down, but you can’t just click on a movie and rate it from the beginning. It was well worth it to fast forward thru his whatever it was supposed to be just to give it a thumbs down.

  7. Netflix discontinuing its Star rating system (which told subscribers upfront which vids were stinkeroos) is following the lead of Amazon. For the same motives.

    Behind the scenes Amazon is constantly manipulating its Reviews system to produce the desired results: selling more product, no matter how crappy. That means maintaining the appearance of honest reviews to encourage the undecided to click Buy Now.
    Which means suppressing all negative reviews, no matter how genuine or richly deserved.

    Apparently now our Netflix upvotes/downvotes only influence which titles Netflix’ AI ‘recommends’ to a subscriber next.
    I can’t see what % of other viewers upvoted or downvoted a specific title.

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