ReeReepublicans! The Texas Edition. – IOTW Report

ReeReepublicans! The Texas Edition.

STUNNING: Ken Paxton Accuser and his Bushie Cohorts Went to FBI to Report on Paxton Without ANY Evidence of Wrongdoing –>VIDEO.

Gateway Pundit– The Bushies and Karl Rove want Paxton gone. So they made up some accusations against him in an attempt to impeach him.

Attorney General Ken Paxton is the one man who has stood up against the Democrat-Marxist onslaught in the great state of Texas. Democrats and Secret Sleeper Republicans hate him for this.

On Tuesday, the Texas Senate opened the impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton, which could result in his removal from office.

The Republican-led Texas House in May impeached highly popular Attorney General Ken Paxton over allegations of misconduct. The 20 articles include “bribery, unfitness for office and abuse of public trust” – according to the Associated Press.

Paxton was placed on administrative leave until the result of the Senate trial. MORE

Texas Senators of the 88th Legislature contact info.

24 Comments on ReeReepublicans! The Texas Edition.

  1. I can’t really say I understand KP, but he seemed to have some fight in him, and I can appreciate that. He got my vote. As always, the skeletons in the closet have come forth to destroy him. What we’re waiting for is proof that they’re his skeletons.

    The “Bush” name in Texas is done… RINO fecal material… DLTDHYOTWO…


  2. Paxton at least has had balls, like our former AG and our current Education Secretary. They managed to get our AG out in the primaries and put this RINO in office and our RINOS are trying to impeach the Education Secretary for doing the job he said he would do that got him elected.

    RINOS are way more dangerous than Democrats and voters are stupid and won’t look into them and never follow what the hell they do once they get elected. Either that or the RINOS are as good as the democrats at stealing elections, maybe why they just tell you to sit down and shut up our elections are fair and don’t need fixing.

  3. Paxton was the one AG that would have gone after the coup at the state level. Basically what Trump is begging other “Republican” AG’s to do. No action. Can’t risk all that personal wealth now can we. Fuck the Constitution.

  4. Brad, did you hear that the New Mexico Governor just declared an “emergency” and said no guns. That the Constitution or her oath is not absolute. You may only have a gun on private property, if you have a concealed carry you can have it in your car traveling to a gun range, but it must be locked in your car out of your reach, unloaded and disabled. No guns in public at all.

  5. What a bunch of absolute cunts these assholes are. They are the ones who committed prosecutable crimes. And, of course, they cry like the pathetic bitches they are when their sleaziness is exposed. Fuck the GOPe. They are just democrats of a more dishonest type.

  6. Old Racist White Woman

    That was the first thing I read this morning. Freaken amazing. Does that wing nut think the bad guys are going to abide by her rule? Does she think the average law abiding gun owners are the ones shooting the place up? Not only unconstitutional weapons grade stupid.

  7. As to the New Mexico gun thing, my favorite part was the governor’s reply to the question “do you think the criminals in Albuquerque are going to stop carrying their guns?” Her one-word response was, “no.” At least the woman is honest.

  8. Brad, I sent the article to my brother who won’t change his registration from Democrat. His excuse is always that he doesn’t vote for them and I’m a pussy(my words not his…lol) my wife won’t change hers so I don’t want to be something different.
    I told him so you remain a member of a party that not only murders babies up to and now after birth, is part of the LGBTQ mafia, mutilates children and it can no longer be denied is coming for your guns.

  9. Every time I see a picture of the Bushes buddying up with the Clintons and the 0bamas I want to spit. What was I supposed to do, vote for Al Gore and John Kerry. Compassionate conservative my ass.

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