Refugee Beats Wife with Hockey Stick – IOTW Report

Refugee Beats Wife with Hockey Stick


Faith Goldy reports, heavy hitters from Canada’s “feminist” Liberal Party and their media cronies, came out full force to attack a female MP for talking about a case of domestic abuse by a Syrian refugee.



20 Comments on Refugee Beats Wife with Hockey Stick

  1. joe6pak

    I gotta say, is DJT, that non conservative, the most bad ass son of a bitch that’s ever been President or what. I love the way he treats our warriors.

  2. They are Not One Bit Thankful, WTF how are they Here … Can We Brand a Damn Stamp on their Heads and send Them FAAAAR AWAY. They Could Be the First Ever Backward Boat People, We Could Just Wait For Low Tide and Push em off !!!
    ( Yes of Coarse I Chummed)

  3. O Canada!
    Our home and conquered land!
    True third world love in all thy transgenders command.
    With immigration from evil land we see thee die,
    The Dead North full of Sharia!
    From far and wide,
    O Canada, we beat our hockey sticks on thee
    No God to keep our land glorious and free!
    O Canada, we bow to the will of government with glee.
    O Canada, we bow to the will of government with glee.

    … coming to a Stars-Spangled Banner near you ….

  4. Is it wrong to cheer “yes, yes, YES” at every, absolutely every, step of this story, from the first thwack of the stick to the last politburo pigpile, and only feel a twinge of regret, in the afterglow, that they didn’t have a few nukes to lob at each other?

  5. Since he didn’t kill her, I guess he must be a moderate muslim?

    Now, are they going to claim that since wife-beating is a religiously mandated duty in islam, it must be allowed (encouraged, even) under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

    This while the Canadian government systematically strips White Canadians of every protection nominally afforded to them under the “Fundamental Freedoms” section of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

  6. They won’t deport him, watch.

    Our island is finally deporting shitbags from other countries/islands
    that are in and out of the court/prison system here. The number
    is starting to build and the FEDS on island support it.

  7. They’ll deny any evidence thrown in their faces so as not to be proven wrong. These jerks have the most idiotic worldview conceivable. Yeah and it was a real choice move to elect that pansy. Good going Canada.

  8. No they will not deport or punish the guy. He has shown that he is assimilating to a new culture. After all he did use a Canadian hockey stick to abuse his wife. This Syrian has promise to become a full blown Canadian.

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