Refugees Stunned To Learn They Can’t Enter US After Trump Order – IOTW Report

Refugees Stunned To Learn They Can’t Enter US After Trump Order


Refugees who were flying into the United States when President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning refugee entry Friday were stopped and detained when they landed in the country.

The order suspending all refugee entry for 120 days went into immediate effect Friday night, putting an undetermined number of refugees who were on airplanes when it was signed in legal limbo, reports The New York Times. Lawyers for two Iraqi refugees who were detained when they landed at Kennedy Airport in New York quickly filed legal challenges.

“We’ve never had an issue once one of our clients was at a port of entry in the United States,” one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, told The New York Times. “To see people being detained indefinitely in the country that’s supposed to welcome them is a total shock.”

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37 Comments on Refugees Stunned To Learn They Can’t Enter US After Trump Order

  1. Mark Doss, told The New York Times. “To see people being detained indefinitely in the country that’s supposed to welcome them is a total shock.”

    Who said we are “supposed to welcome them”. I must have missed that line in the constitution.

  2. The left is soooo carried away with a poem; written by a progressive, on a plaque on a French statue in New York Harbor.

    Send the garbage to France or Germany or Sweden if they they don’t have enough. And somebody replace that damned poem with the pledge of allegiance!

  3. There’s no legal limbo…..

    follow the law….ie the Presidential Executive Order….

    send them back…..

    If 0bama’s Executive Orders were law while he was president…..then Trump45’s are law now……


  4. This shouldn’t be any big inconvenience. They should be able to go to Canada, France, Sweden, Germany, Belgium. How about all the muzzie countries that welcome new immigrants with open arms? Oh that’s right, no muzzie countries allow any immigration. The game is up on this America Invasion BS and it’s about time. Get used to it. We’ve had enough and it’s why we elected an outsider. By all appearances, Trump too has had it w the invasion and I hope that he is only getting warmed up.

  5. Get rid of that stupid f’n poem on the Statue of Liberty about the huddled masses BS. The Statue and our nation never were set up to be a flophouse for anyone that wanted to roll in here and set up shop. Enough immigration. We need a moratorium. That way we won’t discriminate vs muzzies or anyone.

  6. We’ve already taken in more refugees than all other countries on earth put together. I am so sick of this shi’ite, the rest of the world is gonna have to start fixing their own countries from now on.

  7. Immigration lawyer: “We’ve never had an issue once one of our clients was at a port of entry in the U.S.” Read some history, counselor; back when all immigrants came thru Ellis Island, it was common for some to be detained there for health or other reasons. And some, with communicable or other diseases, were sent back to their port of origin. Nothing new.

  8. CNN

    Kirk Johnson
    Mole. Plays Interpretor State Dept.
    Another “Intelligence Agent” State Dept
    Clinton State Department Intelligence quality level.;)

    Says We OWE them for them helping us fight for their country. By letting all their men move here.

    Think about that.

  9. The detained will be accepted or denied on a case by case basis. Reviews might start Monday or as soon as a panel can be convened. While your waiting please enjoy your stay for it may be the only ‘America’ you’ll get.

  10. Love our new President Trump ….. protecting Americans and our rights to our freedom … Hope they are so inconvenienced they suffer terribly. Hope they never come back and terrorize us.

  11. Wajahat Ali; Unemployed ex-State Dept
    Fee Free on CNN
    Admitted 780,000 have been sprinkled in 2 years
    This Muslim keeps saying “We Americans” don’t accept this.

    Who is this We kemosabe?

  12. 120 days. And here’s the thing, you inbred rug-huggers: One single nutjob so much as pops a balloon in the name of allah, anywhere in the USA, and the ban gets extended indefinitely. And expanded to include other nations if necessary. Can muslims resist their very nature? Sadly, I don’t think so.

    The timer is running…

  13. Ungrateful bastards come here and the first thing they do is file a lawsuit because Trump took away Barry Hussein’s red carpet.
    No more free shit, go back to Goatfukistan.

  14. I love the whole part about them having valid visa’s. Hey bucko-those visa’s have been rescinded/revoked, as is our right. File your lawsuit and waste your time, it changes nothing as the Executive has the absolute right to do exactly what he has done. Check the law, guessing the judge is about to hand you your ass for wasting his time.
    Anyone know where I can get a bigger container to hold ALL OF THESE DELICIOUS LIBERAL TEARS!?!?!?! My barrel is already approaching capacity.

  15. Foreign nationals have absolutely no right to demand entry or residency in the United States of America. Trump just destroyed that illusion.
    Mr. Trump should also find a way to stop Jihad Muslim “refugees” occupying sleeper cell in mosques waiting for the signal to weaponized. Our enemies just don’t understand how ready the majority of American people are to defend our sovereignty.

  16. I love the media on this one. HEH! We’ll
    see what the real rules are and I bet they
    are mostly holding up the Obamanites flood
    of trash that is un-vetted. Wanna bet?

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