Regardless Of Color, Americans All! – IOTW Report

Regardless Of Color, Americans All!


[…] The new video I am excited to bring you today (below) is a self-described “American Black” woman (she appears, after the ranting antifa woman, about 50 seconds into the clip) responding to the criticism toward Donald Trump by passionately pointing out the problems FOR BLACK AMERICAN CITIZENS that were completely exacerbated during the Obama presidency, and the needs of Black Americans that were wholly ignored during his reign. They were needs that absolutely should have been addressed by ‘America’s FIRST black president.’ But instead, the America that had been healing before he took office, he left with the rend that he used both his terms to widen to an unprecedented level in our nation’s history. And he left us with no sign of mending in sight.  Watch here

6 Comments on Regardless Of Color, Americans All!

  1. First and foremost, people need to recognize that when the economy does well, it helps EVERYBODY. When America does well, everybody benefits regardless of race, color or creed.
    Second, Blacks need to get off the democRat plantation!
    Third, Blacks need to get to work and wean themselves off the Federal Tit!
    Education and work is the best way to drive your own destiny. Not complaining, whining, demonstrating and rioting.
    That’s how you Make America Great Again!

  2. Good for her. If there more Americans like her at home, I relish the day when I wouldn’t see Haitians, DRs and West Africans give someone the stink eye when some unwitting soul addressed them as “African Americans”. It’s bad when even Haitians don’t want to be associated.

  3. We are all one color when we bleed especially if it is for community and common good.

    There are those that divide on skin color, those who divide on economics, those who divide on politics, those who divide on geography, and then there’s those of us who have taken up arms together with others of every color against a common foe.

    Life is tough enough. Sit some night with a man straight out of prison who wants a job and another chance to know his family and his children – color don’t matter then. We all face the same challenges – but it’s those people who create the differences and artificial barriers (BLM) that set us up to fail before we sometimes get started.

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