Regime Changes – IOTW Report

 Regime Changes

Coffee & COVID 2025

The ‘radical’ theory I proposed yesterday —that the JFK disclosures aren’t really JFK assassination disclosures so much as disclosures of intelligence agency corruption — picked up steam yesterday, rounding the track with an impressive quarter-mile lead in early racing. The first striking example appeared in the New York Times, headlined “Were the Kennedy Files a Bust? Not So Fast, Historians Say.

Our theme from yesterday, of the declassified files’ alternate historic importance, began right in the sub-headline: “The thousands of documents posted online this week disappointed assassination buffs. But Cold War historians are finding many newly revealed secrets.”

The historians —who already knew a lot— were described as being shocked to their cores. “I didn’t think I’d live to see it,” one told the Times. “This opens a door on a whole history of collaboration between the Vatican and the C.I.A., which, boy, would be explosive,” another said. more

10 Comments on  Regime Changes

  1. They’ve had 62 years to make the reports say anything they want them too.
    The only thing I believe as factual is that Kennedy was shot on that day.

  2. Joe DiGenova is pissed at the Archives people. One of the documents included his unredacted social security number. He thinks it’s deliberate, and he’s going to sue.

  3. The coverup was never about Lee Harvey Oswald. It was always about what the FBI and the CIA knew and didn’t act upon before Kennedy came to Dallas, Texas. Why didn’t the CIA tell the Dallas FBI about Oswald’s visits to the Russian and Cuban embassies in Mexico City? How did the FBI lose track of Oswald in Dallas? The CIA needs to be restrained and reformed, and President Donald J. Trump is the first President since John F. Kennedy with the courage to get this done. Now, he has the ammunition to get it accomplished. Godspeed, and good luck.

  4. Fascinating commentary. It was breathlessly written with great expectations. He certainly seemed to know the players, I just hope that it was more non-fiction than fiction.

  5. All this other stuff was probably put into the JFK file so they could say it was documented, but they documented it in a place they never expected to be made public.


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