Regretful Biden really wishes Obama had given tax cuts, basically concedes Trump’s right – IOTW Report

Regretful Biden really wishes Obama had given tax cuts, basically concedes Trump’s right

Thomas Phippen, DCNF

Former Vice President Joe Biden says he wanted to cut taxes for the middle class during the final years in the White House in order to give Americans tangible proof of the Obama administration’s accomplishments.

“We had the big debate about what our focus should be on the economy in the last two years,” Biden said in an interview on Pod Save America, a podcast hosted by four Obama administration alumni. “The president let me come in with my team to make a presentation that we should have a middle class tax cut. The economists came in and said, ‘well, that’s not going to stimulate the economy.’”

Biden said that he and his advisers debated with other economists for two days in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, but in the end the administration declined to push for tax cuts. “What I was trying to do was actually demonstrate tangibly that we’re listening,” Biden said.

The conversation was sparked by what former President Barack Obama should have done in the last years of his administration to prove that his economic policies were working for the American people.  read more

12 Comments on Regretful Biden really wishes Obama had given tax cuts, basically concedes Trump’s right

  1. So Joe and his many Advisors met and realized thay People are happier when they get money themselve’s, and don’t want the Gov to handle it for them.
    Idiot’s all of them, and we Paid them to Learn that Kindergarten Lesson ?

  2. Where do Lib’s go to have the First 12 yeary of Learning Sucked out of their Brains ???
    When you get to Yale or Harvard do they pin you down and get you with the ” Common Sense Suction Helmet” ???

  3. Last we heard from Biden he was regretting the fact that he decided not to run against Hillary in the 2016 election.

    Seems like Jo-jo’s just full of regrets, doesn’t it? Next he’ll be whining about that high school crush he never had the nerve to ask out.

    Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

    Regrets. We’ve all got ’em, Joe. Get over it.

  4. Great… just what I was looking for this morning – Joe Biden’s opinion.
    On anything!!

    The only reason this Anal Wart would say that is because he is a disingenuous opportunist trying to hop on the gravy train of Trump’s success! A few years ago, if the Obamboozler had jacked up the tax rate we all know Jackass Joe would have been bragging about it being a nuther Big Fuckin Deal!

  5. This is the “new” face of National and Inter-National Socialism.

    We’ve been trying to help the Middle Class, but the mean old communists won’t let us!

    Typical socialist legerdemain.

    “I may have been an active participant in the destruction of America, but I was really trying to save it.”
    “Blah, blah, blah …”
    “Collectivism in Ukraine didn’t work because of wreckers and saboteurs in the Ukrainian Party.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Sooooo… Obama – dumbest rock to EVER hold elected office in the history of the planet – refused to listen to your GREAT ideas, eh Joey? 😳

    Sounds like a RINGING endorsement, to elect YOU in 2020!

    To WHAT, I have NO idea… 😳


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