Relatives Of Muslim ‘Disneyland Family’ Attended Same ‘Army of Darkness’ Mosque As San Bernardino Terrorists – IOTW Report

Relatives Of Muslim ‘Disneyland Family’ Attended Same ‘Army of Darkness’ Mosque As San Bernardino Terrorists


The British Muslim family banned from entering the U.S. this week were on their way to meet relatives in California who prayed at the same mosque as terrorists Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, who murdered 14 people in San Bernardino this month.



8 Comments on Relatives Of Muslim ‘Disneyland Family’ Attended Same ‘Army of Darkness’ Mosque As San Bernardino Terrorists

  1. Oh, that’s such a puny little excuse to ban a member of a terrorist political system, religion of hate and non-citizen from enjoying the rights afforded to ONLY citizens of the USA.

    /S (as if you didn’t know!)

  2. So, if they weren’t connected in any way, radical jihadist Muslims are the ones this family should be pissed off at. For ‘hijacking’ their religion and giving all of them a bad name. Yeah, right, that’ll happen…

    I read they had said that if 1 of them had shady connections, it shouldn’t affect the rest of them. To that I say bullshit. Sounds like they knew 1 of the family members has a dubious past and present. I bid you a hearty f*** you and note you as providing comfort to the enemy, thus becoming the enemy in my eyes.

  3. And why wouldn’t they when the White-guilt ridden Left falls all over themselves to tell us how peaceful they are, apologize for Christianity while the feckless, jug-eared, dog-eating, Jihad-coddling, phoney-baloney plastic banana Muzbro-Organizing Manchurian Doorknob is doing everything possible to bring them in here!!

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