Release the Tape: Revolver Has Definitive Proof FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage of Jan 6 “Pipe Bomber” – IOTW Report

Release the Tape: Revolver Has Definitive Proof FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage of Jan 6 “Pipe Bomber”


An exclusive analysis by Revolver News can prove that the FBI is in possession of, but has refused to release, security camera footage of the January 6 pipe bomber planting the pipe bomb at the DNC building at 7:52 p.m. on January 5th.

This extraordinary revelation should be the immediate subject of Congressional inquiry as to why the FBI has stonewalled release of the footage.

An executive summary of the missing footage has been condensed in this video below:

11 Comments on Release the Tape: Revolver Has Definitive Proof FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage of Jan 6 “Pipe Bomber”

  1. How many times can it be said and still nothing is done? The entire DOJ is an ongoing criminal conspiracy and there is no authority that will shut it down! Until we become a nation of laws we are doomed to tyranny!

  2. I’m sure they could track all the phones that were “actually” at the Trump rally and see that none of them were at the capital at the time of the the so-called “insurrection”.
    But, for the Democrats, the truth is irrelevant.
    Or the truth is what say it is.

  3. FBi is nothing more than a group of wanna-be elitists, a shadow government within a shadow government which makes its sinister living preying upon, stalking, impaling, and feeding on Americans like a group of shrike birds (aka butcherbirds), and whomever pays them the most to do it.

  4. Another “Reichstag Fire” false flag – and the FBLie will continue to play the part of provocateur until they get something to stick.
    It’s not enough to imprison a few dozen innocent Americans for crimes the FBLie committed – they must sow fear and terror through that dwindling community of Americans who still adhere to the Constitution.
    Oddly, even with the entire Media complex firmly supporting the treasons and provocations of the Deep State and its traitorous DoJ (and associated henchmen in “law enforcement”) most of America seems to have that sick gut feeling that our gov’t is a nest of corruption and deceit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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