Released emails show Fauci signed off on WHO-sponsored statement approving China’s response to COVID – IOTW Report

Released emails show Fauci signed off on WHO-sponsored statement approving China’s response to COVID

“Looks fine,” Fauci responded. “Please see my comments in attached document.”

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12 Comments on Released emails show Fauci signed off on WHO-sponsored statement approving China’s response to COVID

  1. Tony “The Weasel” Fauci needs a ride on a splintery rail into the sunset.

    Power-walks in Rock Creek Park with Federal Agents protecting him from people without masks. GMAFB

  2. He’s been invited to the Obiden-Kalamity Inauguration and to the White House for the ceremony when Dementia Joe rejoins the World Health Organization. Everyone is going to be there! Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, Cuomos, Homos, LBGQs, AOC, PLO, and all of Hollywood. Wuhan Bat Soup will be served. Dr. Falsie Swampy Deep State and his wife will the guests of honor. Humper will be hiding upstairs in the Lincoln Snorting Room. RSVP care of Jeffrey Toobin on FaceTime, but be careful!

  3. Career Bureaucrat. Put down the Pen & the microphone and pick up a stethoscope.

    They live forever, eat forever , and collect benefits forever.

    Then we build statues of them that last forever FFS.

  4. Fauci is one of thousands of strips of flypaper left in DC to hamper President Trump.

    It AMAZES me how strategic and patient a President he has been. Every time we lose our patience and wish he would just blow somebody up, his intellect wins out.

    In a second term, he should be able to start the massive cleaning of the stables, and then I believe his love for our country will be undeniable and better days will come.

  5. President Trump may be gracious but I’m not. I hope on Fauci’s next walk, he trips and busts off all his front teeth. His pitching shows how uncoordinated he is.
    I would cramp laughing at pictures of Secret Service looking for the pieces to patch his smirk back together.


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