‘Religious scholar’ Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

‘Religious scholar’ Kamala Harris


Vice President Kamala Harris doesn’t appear to understand why those with strong religious convictions tend to harbor great distaste for abortion.

After she landed at Dulles International Airport on Friday, she was asked a series of questions by reporters, including one about the Supreme Court potentially repealing Roe v. Wade.

In response, Harris said she’s been convening constitutional scholars and faith leaders to discuss the effect of a repeal.

While talking about the latter group of people, she suddenly issued a remark suggesting that “there’s nothing” about abortion that ought to trouble those with faith. more here

17 Comments on ‘Religious scholar’ Kamala Harris

  1. Kamala: “…and you know, for those of us of faith…” So, exactly what faith is that, Kamala? I guess it is the same one that says it’s OK to have sex with powerful politicians to advance your career?

    This is what will be our “leader” when the pedo-in-chief finally strokes out.

  2. Sure

    Why the fuck not.

    If a fradulent demented pedo can claim to be president, why not pretend that a Jamindian whore that sucked dick for career advancement is a rabbinical scholar.

    This is a pretend administration with guns being used to force the other kids to play along, so why not just lie about absolutely everything, especially seeing as how sin is sin in the eyes of the Lord…

    “Tis madness to halt midway in the monstrous! The extreme of crime has its deliriums of joy.”
    -Victor Hugo, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

  3. Asked in a follow up interview to clarify her points Kamala walked back her statement and cackled, “I did not mean all abortions, I was specifically talking (cackle) about (cackle) abortions for rape (cacklecacklecacklecackle) and when the mother’s life is in danger (hahahahcackelcacklecackle).”

  4. Well, we know that her idea of “people of faith” can’t possibly be of the Christian persuasion.
    She and her ilk denounced God from their DNC ‘pulpit’.

  5. When the Kalamitous Jamindian finally kicks the bucket, I hope that there are plenty of highly trained and credible scientists available to drill a cranial core sample through her thick skull. Whatever is inside her cranium has to be the densest matter on earth. Just think what could happen if this dense matter gets in the wrong hands and replicated by a mad political scientist who places it in the gene pool.

  6. @Tony R June 20, 2022 at 9:37 am

    > This is what will be our “leader” when the pedo-in-chief finally strokes out.

    As long as Americans continue to kneel before, throw sacrifices on the altar of, and pray to, the religion of The United States… yes.


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