Reluctance to Remove Beijing Biden Because Kamala Harris Sucks is a Bad Idea – IOTW Report

Reluctance to Remove Beijing Biden Because Kamala Harris Sucks is a Bad Idea

What is the difference between Biden and Harris? They’re of the same ideology, the same puppet, minus sex and dementia.

We cannot allow presidents to shield themselves from the fallout for their decisions, by choosing uniquely unqualified VPs.

23 Comments on Reluctance to Remove Beijing Biden Because Kamala Harris Sucks is a Bad Idea

  1. He isn’t the real president! Democrat/communists cheated. Biden and Harris should be facing a firing squad. And everyone else who is complicit – including media.

  2. And if Spiro Harris assumes the position, she’s no longer the tie-breaker in the Senate. Although I don’t know how much difference that makes with Uniparty Mitch and his flunkies. But I do want to see the WestExec cabal have to start from scratch, and I want to see the Deep State in disarray. And it’s going to be hard for them to get the election fraud band back together. So Peach 46, baby.

  3. Won’t matter, the Wicked Witch of the West will discover that Heels Up isn’t qualified and assume the position herself.
    That’s why she went to visit Bathhouse Barry during his birthday infection fest.

  4. Firing squad is too quick, too clean.
    They like the chinks so much we should rip out a page of chinese history and apply that to them – ALL of them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It’s not as though Joe is calling the shots. Maybe the problem with Kamala is that she is too cognitive to just left the handlers do what they want without raising a squawk.

    The problem is nothing that a few lamp posts and some rope won’t solve.

  6. Got to be one of the most serious crisis facing our country. Wouldn’t be if election hadn’t been stolen.

    Orange Man would have handled it all without breathing hard.

  7. Who in the Democrat party will be the FIRST to get the ball rolling in using the 25th amendment to drag Bitem outta office?
    Any good guesses or theories anyone???

    I say Schiff!

  8. I will honestly admit, that I do not know who Canuckistan’s Deputy Prime Minister is.
    At least you guys know who the Backup Jackass is and what you will be getting.

  9. Either one will screw America over, someone hidden is running the shhit show. They are just following orders from the darkness of the deep state. America needs to wake up and start the battle to save us.

  10. I don’t like the alterative at all, but joe needs to go. It would hurt the democrat “brand” & I’m all for that. At least some of the uninformed democrat voters would notice this.

  11. neither one should have anything to do with our government.
    biden has to go.
    If harris knew what biden was doing, that makes her complicit.
    If she didn’t know, that makes her incompetent.
    Neither of them is fit to fill the office of President.


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