Remain Skeptical My Friend – IOTW Report

Remain Skeptical My Friend

Robert Malone:
In 2009, the largest health care fraud settlement in Department of Justice history was settled. This was the largest criminal fine of any kind imposed in the U.S and the largest ever civil fraud settlement against a pharmaceutical company. At the time. Who is this pharmaceutical company that so egregiously disregarded the laws of this country, regarding bribery and fraud? This campaign endangered patients. They advertised dosages of a drug that the FDA considered dangerous. That company that did all this is Pfizer.

So why is it, that when Pfizer executives tell our government now that another booster is needed, when they present an incomplete data set supporting the use of the mRNA vaccines in children – they are not questioned by the main stream media. Maybe because we now know that legacy media is essentially state sponsored media? The Blaze obtained documents by FOIA reveal that main stream media has essentially been paid off, when it comes to COVID-19. MORE

18 Comments on Remain Skeptical My Friend

  1. Why are the watchdogs and gatekeepers of our world silent, or furthering the false narrative?

    Like Rush Limbaugh said…


    This comment is NOT brought to you by Pfizer.

  2. It is rather obvious that the MSM is unserious about performing actual journalism.
    The college journalism classes are predominantly tenured with leftist PHD’s plus todays universities are also heavily left leaning so it goes to figure that the students will also be influenced that way. The entire education process from preschool to college has been hijacked by the left. The last thing they want is independent thinkers who are taught critical thinking skills.

  3. “Why are the watchdogs and gatekeepers of our world silent, or furthering the false narrative?”

    Not just the money – they hate America, Western Civilization, and Christianity.
    The big shots get the money, the little shots nourish their hates.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “…commanding voice that makes a listener lean in as if waiting for marching orders…”

    Tell me you’re bought and paid for without telling me you’re bought and paid for, journo.

    No, wait…That Twitter meme doesn’t work here, journo, because you’re blatantly telling me that you’re bought and paid for.

  5. Actual journalism has been dead for almost 20 years. The problem for the MSM is that Trump took them on and called the media out for being fake. Now most of America knows our media is corrupt, and while many will continue to watch or listen to the “news,” they will tune into those channels who best represent their world view because it makes them feel better while not having to actually believe any of the reports.

    The media, and their paymasters in the government, have enhanced their tactics and now rely on social media to censor any contrary discussion, reports or information. You won’t hear bad things about Pfizer or their Covid vaccination because that is now disinformation. The MSM has been granted a license to lie.

  6. The mainstream media has essentially been the Praetorian Guard of the liberals for at least 30 years. However in regards to this current Covid mess the third and equal player in this has been the medical community writ large, especially the large academic institutions like University of Washington in Seattle (the largest recipient of NIH grants). The medical community as a whole have been the ones that have supplied the very thin veneer of credibility over this for the sheeple and should be held responsible to the fullest for all of the COVID deaths and vaccine injuries that have occurred.

    It has never ceased to amaze me how they got doctors as a group to sign onto Forced vaccinations. These people are supposedly very well educated in science, math and statistics. But for some reason cannot apply the previous mentioned disciplines to this current situation. This is how successful the mainstream media and the government have been in brainwashing people. Of course the large academic institutions were in it for the money. People have always stated that it is easier to buy a scientist than it is a politician.

    Just to let you know how successful the narrative has been in the medical community and doctors in general is the following short story…

    I have been in medicine for many years but this is my second career. My dad however was in medicine for many years before I started. In His day pharmaceutical companies dedicated quite a bit of their resources to advertising to doctors. In the old days before my time drug companies used to take doctors on skiing trips, marlin fishing trips, all kinds of excessive things. But during my training days drug companies supplied a lot of drug lunches and drug company sponsored dinners especially in the academic centers, they also supplied expensive study materials, computers, laptops, notebooks, pens, pencils just all kinds of things.

    Well liberal’s were very upset that drug companies were spending money on advertising and not on free AIDS medication for African children (just one crazy example) so they all got together and passed laws to restrict what pharmaceutical companies could give to doctors. These liberal’s felt that pharmaceutical companies had too much influence on medical trainees. So these laws essentially banned drug reps from coming into the hospital, sponsoring lunches, sponsoring most dinners, coming into doctors offices, etc. So I must admit that I was quite amazed to see after years of Demonizing pharmaceutical and drug companies how quickly these liberal’s abandoned that particular “principal” and all jumped in line to get an experiment or untested shot for not only themselves but especially vulnerable patient populations from these same companies that they had worked against for years because they felt that the drug companies had too much influence. Incredible.

  7. I make extra 800000$ US DOLLARS in a month,becuse i am the sin of Biden.Its really change my life in some days after Beau died abd Dad stole the prezidency.if you want change your life, Just open your legs to have my baby but make sure the big guy gets hiz 10% or gets to molest your young daughter like he duz mine

  8. Someone found the other day that what we knew was in black and white, the different batches of shots have contained different amounts of the clot shot. That’s why you’ve seen some die within hours or days after getting the shot, some who were the first to get it are just now starting to die or get serious illnesses. A woman the other day who signed up to get the shot as soon as it was available because she was over 65, fat and had COPD. She said everyone who were against the shots wanted people like her to die, she mocked everyone that she had no side effects, not even a sore arm, still doing so just a few months ago. Now suddenly she has blood clots in her lungs, they don’t know why(more like doctors won’t admit why) and outside of blood thinners they tell her they know nothing else to try.

    I for one didn’t want anyone dying from the clot shot and I told them so, but as all they could say was I was crazy and wanted them to die, I find it real hard to sympathize with them now.

  9. It’s difficult for me to conjure up any sympathy for people who are hell bent on getting the jab and they either die or suffer the consequences. I also believe that anyone pushing this deadly jab is equally responsible for that’s person’s death and injury. I wouldn’t be bragging about it saving millions of lives nor pushing it on anyone. It’s still killing and maiming people at warp speed. Ha! Remember the doctor who said he wouldn’t cry at any unjabbed person’s funeral – and then he dropped dead? Plenty of stories like that of professionals bragging and encouraging the jab only to drop dead. I knew from the beginning that people would die at warp speed. How did I know? No trials. Wing it and hope for the best… first.

  10. how people forget. almost 100 years ago the media was covering up for FDR. 60 years ago, they covered up JFK’s peccadillos & drug addiction.

    covering up for D’rats has become so ingrained w/ the media & is now so commonplace as to be rote agitprop, quite Orwellian too.

    we have become the followers of the hated ‘Emmanuel Goldstein’, Russia has become the ‘Two Minute Hate”, ala the Ukraine War & Biden has become the perfect symbol of ‘Big Brother’, a fake, made-up leader that is run by ‘the Party’

    call it Communism, National Socialism, Fascism … whatever. there is & has been for a long while in this country, a ruling by massive government corruption dancing on the string of bribery from big business, particularly from foreign countries; it’s hidden better that way … right Hunter?


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