Remains of ‘America’s first veterans’ are found in South Carolina – IOTW Report

Remains of ‘America’s first veterans’ are found in South Carolina


Remains of ‘America’s first veterans’ are found in South Carolina: 13 patriots killed during the Revolutionary War are discovered less than six inches below the surface of a former battlefield

  • Remains of 14 Revolutionary War soldiers were found in South Caroline 
  • Experts believe 13 of the bodies are of Americans and one is British
  • The deaths happened during the 1780 Battle of Camden, which was the worst defeat Americans had on the field
  • This defeat gave the British army temporary control of the southern colonies  STORY HERE

9 Comments on Remains of ‘America’s first veterans’ are found in South Carolina

  1. The graves of the men who fought for this country’s existence have been unquiet for some time now, due to our lack of intetest in doing the same.

    I suspect our throwing away all that they gave us has caused them to roll in their graves until they surfaced.

  2. @Odin 2013 November 12, 2022 at 1:21 pm

    > Our government and constitution were overthrown with nary a shot having been fired.

    The country they fought for, was overthrown by The Constitution. Without a single shot, but many… so, so, many… other people’s dollars, being “exchanged”.


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