Remember – IOTW Report


Remember Your Oath.

20 Comments on Remember

  1. Strong noble words, the problem is that the other side could make the same video with the conviction that they are the ones that are fighting for the safety of the country. The other side looks at Trump and MAGA as the true enemy of democracy. The other side believes that he is the threat, proven by the fact that he (according to them) tried to steal an honest and fair election by rallying his goons to attack The Capitol on Jan 6th, he was the one who called the Georgia AG with instructions to manufacture fake votes, it was he who tried to subvert the will of the people. The other side views themselves as the true defenders of the faith, the real Americans who won’t continence lawlessness so they support all these indictments as defending our rule of law institutions. They are remembering their oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic and to them the MAGA movement is the most insidious subversive movement to ever threaten our nation.

    We can’t wrap ourselves in patriotism and think that we have right on our side because the other side believes they are in the right as well. No, this is a battle between ideologies, both backed by adherents just as fervent and idealistic as their opponents, but pulling in opposite directions and only one side will win.

  2. The oath that I swore when I joined the US Navy on August 31, 1972 is still valid today 51 years later. The oath that I swore is a sacred thing that shouldn’t be taken for granted but all too often is unfortunately by those who have forgot that God is the ultimate source of that oath, so help me God. My wedding vows that I made to my wife on Sept. 11, 1977 were a sacred oath, not to be taken lightly as well. I have fulfilled both and will continue to be faithful no matter what come Hell or high water.

  3. I truly appreciate what your ssying, both sides have a cause.
    This is the last hurrah for these two. BOTH are way past their due date for running for office. Unfortunately for America it will take years to recover & new law to protect our great country in the future. For one will always win & one win always lose. Personally most really know just how this will play out.

  4. America is truly tired of the claim, it was stolen. A sore loser is just as relevant. Mr Apprentice was FIRED, so fitting. Look how a ass acts, anybody who watched that show could read his actions in a heartbeat. Casinos = bankruptcy 6 times, WWE perfect venue. Public figure, some bought it, hook line & sinker.

  5. Hope finds it’s expression in hard work. How our proudest moments are yet to be, our most glorious achievements are just ahead.
    And no matter how full our own lives have been, we say with Thomas Jefferson, “I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past”.
    Let us all renew our commitment. Renew our pledge day by day, person by person, make our country and the world a better place to live. May every dawn be a great new beginning. We are beginning still. Every day brings fresh challenges and opportunities to match.
    Go for it. Reach those heights. Excel. Keep it up. Keep on saying “yes” to life.
    Never forget your heroic origins. Never fail to seek divine guidance. And never lose your natural God given up optimism.
    Enjoy your freedom. Breathe it in. Use it to create the most important and moving thing a man or woman can create is a decent and meaningful life.
    May each of you have the heart to conceive the understanding to direct and the hand to execute works that will make the world a little better for you having been here.
    I want you to know that I have always had the highest respect for you, for your common sense and intelligence and for your decency. I have always believed in you & what you can accomplish, and history may say about me when I’m gone. I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes and not your worst fears and your confidence rather than your doubts.
    ~ Ronald Reagan, 40th President, Unites States of America
    (compiled from several speeches)

    ‘There is nothing but the struggle’ …. ‘What difference, at this point, does it make?’,
    ‘I call them the Basket of Deplorables’
    ~ Hillary Clinton, United States Presidential Candidate 2016

    I ask you, Rich Taylor, who’s side are you actually on? You sound defeated already … or, are trying to convince us of it.
    This is no time to backslide, to be what Thomas Paine called ‘the Sunshine Patriot’. Either take a stand or accept your fate. We all die. We all have a choice. Die with your front towards the enemy or die with a grievous wound in your back.
    The Progressives, once they run out of dissenters to kill will turn on themselves …. it’s not a bug, it’s a feature of their program. It’s done over & over …. remember “There is nothing but the struggle”
    They don’t’ care how you die, as long as you just die.

  6. Oaths mean nothing to liars and hypocrites.
    Just as “the Devil knows scripture” a lying hypocrite will swear an oath that he has no intention of honoring without batting an eyelid.
    And lying hypocrisy isn’t the exclusive domain of the demonrat – the RINO is perfectly capable of hypocrisy and lies – see the votes on continuing resolutions, Ukraine funding, and the debt “ceiling,” for three instances.

    And as for Rich Taylor’s comment – the demonrats know full well that the “election” was stolen, and they are fully convinced that America must be destroyed, and they, with malice aforethought, are doing everything in their power to sow chaos and mayhem – attempting to loose war, famine, pestilence, and death onto the Earth.

    Make no mistake – they KNOW that they are practicing evil – they revel in it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


    I swore it and meant it to the America of 60 years ago!

    Not the America with girl/boy generals and admirals! Not the America that implies Ronny would be a “domestic terrorist”!

    Were I again 20 I would say “HELL NO”! As many have been the last 23 years; and the # saying HELL NO is growing! FOR MANY GOOD REASONS!

    I have 20 something grand sons and they will not join. I support them. America of the 21st century is not anywhere near that of the 20th!


  8. I believe it is time to make the 2024 election – at every level, a battle between good and evil. It is time to identify ALL democrats as evil, because that is the truth. There was a time when democrats and republicans both wanted what was best for America, and simply had different ideas. Those democrats are gone. Today’s dem is actually a socialist, leaning heavily toward communism.
    There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth when the GOP starts running ads that say, “America, you are at a crossroads. A crossroads of good vs. evil. It is time to decide.” They should go even further and state absolutely, “You cannot be a Christian, a Catholic, a Jew, or a Muslim and be a democrat. There is no gray area.”
    Pipe dream I know, but I truly believe it is a winning strategy.

  9. I went to bed early last night so I missed this.

    “You sound defeated already … or, are trying to convince us of it.”

    How so? By recognizing that the other side can claim “just cause” in defending The Republic when they view MAGA as the real enemy?

    Perhaps because I live in the Bay Area and talk to these people on a regular basis, I get a better understanding of their POV. The libs I know love their country, think the election was open and fair, believe Trump and his minions are a clear threat to democracy, believe he tried to steal the election either through intimidation (Jan. 6th) or by fraud (phone call to Rafensperger), and believe he broke several laws and deserves to be in jail. Sorry, but that’s what they believe, and saying we have “right” on our side is meaningless to the average lib voter because they can make the same claim. You can call them naive and clueless (which I have done so many times to their face) but they think they are right and have more respect for our institutions than the MAGA horde.

    “This is no time to backslide, to be what Thomas Paine called ‘the Sunshine Patriot’. Either take a stand or accept your fate. We all die. We all have a choice. Die with your front towards the enemy or die with a grievous wound in your back.”

    Thanks, but I don’t need a lecture on bravery or being resolute, whence my warning in my above comment about 2 ideologies pulling in opposite directions with only one winner.


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