Remember how they said Omicron wasn’t hitting South Africa hard because people there had immunity from prior infections? – IOTW Report

Remember how they said Omicron wasn’t hitting South Africa hard because people there had immunity from prior infections?

AlexBerenson: Yeah, that was another lie. It’s just much less dangerous, period. A new study has the real numbers (in the appendix, as usual).

In December, the panic porners on Team Apocalypse had a problem.

They wanted you to be afraid of the Omicron variant. So afraid that you’d rush out to get a Covid vaccine booster.

Leave aside the fact that the desperation to boost for Omicron made no sense in any case. Aside from a few weeks of moderate protection at the absolute peak of antibodies following a second or third dose, studies from several countries show that the vaccines are effectively useless against Omicron.

Nonetheless. To the public health grandees, vaccines – and now boosters – are the answer, whatever the question. And they very clearly hoped Omicron would convince people to be boosted.

Which meant Omicron had to be dangerous. Only it wouldn’t cooperate.

11 Comments on Remember how they said Omicron wasn’t hitting South Africa hard because people there had immunity from prior infections?

  1. I have friends with it now. (omicrunt version)

    They sound better than they do after a night of cigars & hard drinking.

    “little bit of coughing, but the kids seem fine.” was the word from my 52 year old friend

  2. I still cannot figure out why asymptomatic people are waiting in lines to get a test that has already been established to produce false positive results.

  3. Walpurgis
    JANUARY 3, 2022 AT 10:18 AM
    “If we can prevent just one person getting a runny nose, it’s worth destroying the world’s economy.”

    …the TRULY sad part is, for all the known and unknown risks, it can’t even do THAT…

  4. So in other words Omnicron is the common cold, but they needed you to believe it was the China flu.
    When they couldn’t even test for the china flu, how the hell have they tested for any variants?

    I was reading about a guy last night, who caught something, wen to ER they tested him for “covid” test was negative, he was running a high fever, trouble breathing so they said it was covid and vented him then gave him a 5% chance of surviving. They later tested for covid and said he was positive. Now is family is fighting in court for him to be treated with ivermectin, vitamin c, d and zinc. They lost the first court battle.

    They have at least 100 thousand reasons to diagnose you with covid and kill you with a vent. Do not allow them to ever put you on a vent. My husband and I both drew up papers saying we refuse ventilators or CDC protocol and also drew up power of medical attorney for each other or in the case we can’t then that transfers to our daughter. I’m sure they’ll do their best to ignore it, so I will not be going to a hospital, if I die from anything it will be at home.

  5. I might have just had it. Felt bad Sat. evening, had trouble sleeping, By 9AM Sunday I felt fine. Runny nose and cough today. No fever. This is so stupid to get worked up about.


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