Remember the names – IOTW Report

Remember the names

45 Comments on Remember the names

  1. We need a third party. We need to start working on it now.

    The only difference between the Dems and the GOP is that the GOP will use KJ Jelly when they tell us to bend over.

  2. Now that the term “Make America Great Again” is considered inciting violence, there’s no way out. Trump’s 100% guilty, with 5 years of evidence, suggesting that our country should be great. That should tell you what the opposition thinks of the very country they live in and what conditions they want you to live in.

    Nevermind they are all treasonous backstabbing cunts to present evidence as such, which is IMO, is a far greater crime than anything DJT did, they are beholden only to Dominion.

  3. What’s the penalty for not following the will of the people? I’m thinking censure is weak shit. Pink mist may drive home the point.
    And oh by the way. We currently own the Republican Party. They just haven’t figured it out yet. But they will after the mid terms.

  4. A poorly written balanced budget amendment is a Democrat wet dream. “We have to raise taxes to balance the budget” they will cry. It has to be written so that any balancing HAS to be spending cuts. Unfortunately, there is no way that will pass.

  5. Hopefully the citizens of their respective states will remember and not be fooled when they are up for re-election. I also wish that the citizens of other states would remember how ineffective their current representatives/senators are (can you say “Lindsey Graham”?).

  6. ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧
    There are links on the photos, zoom in.

  7. the uneasy answer is keep the rep party because its Trumps. But they wont get ANY money (in2022) worth mentioning from those of us who supported Trump, but if Trump starts a new party, $ will be pouring in.

    as Trump could say, the “brand” is tainted.

  8. Here’s one name to brand into your mind: “Republican Party”. It needs to be wiped out. COMPLETELY.

    Trump needs to start a new party: we’ll all join it, and the republican party will be as hollow as Sandy Smollet’s head.

  9. Mark my words: They are going for a consensus conviction. Now that they have announced that this impeachment trial is 100% constitutional and that Trump’s defense is 100% invalid, the Rs who voted against the trial can be portrayed as potential enemies of the Constitution and insurrectionists. The media is fully on board, as usual.

    Afternote: When Palm Beach kicks Trump out of his own home, he should turn it into a migrant/ homeless shelter.

  10. The RINOs are still blind to the fact the Republican party is now Trump’s.
    They’ll keep telling us it isn’t so but there are 80 million of us who know better.
    As soon as the news of this came out I emailed our town GOP Committee. (I am Chair)
    I told them I have some thinking to do. I can’t be part of the organization if this is who they support. Our state and county committees think Collins is wonderful. They refuse to hold her feet to the fire or even to the standard of the Constitution.

    Our town committee are one of the rebel committees. I’ve already gotten emails back voicing agreement.

    So the RINOs can bray all they want. The people support Pres. Trump. He says what we do and did in 4 yrs what the others only ever promised.

  11. Saxindacity February 9, 2021 at 10:53 pm
    “No need to start a third party. Those six are the first ones you expel from the present party. It’s Trump’s party now.”

    100% agree! Recall them or primary them with true Patriots.

    This is OUR party. You want to be a Democrat; go join their party, you scum sucking slime devil traitors!

  12. ^^^^^^

    He was the best of the bad choices.

    Trump has changed the GOP since. We now have people who never dared to run before because the establishment had a stranglehold on the process. Not any more.

  13. I predict Trump will start a new party, it will send the GOP reeling. It would destroy the GOP which is what the Dems are after. I don’t care really as I’m registered Independent. My life is well 1/2 over, I’ll spend what I have left watching rhinos take it up the butt.

  14. Charlie
    I voted for the conservative; a 3rd party guy. As Ive said here many times I never voted for a leftist. IN ’04 ITED AGAINST JFK NOT FOR THE LIBERAL SCOUNDRel! to me there is a diff.

  15. I am actually quite surprised that the good citizens of Utah don’t tar and feather that useless POS but that would be a bad use of perfectly good tar and feathers.


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