Remember this gem? Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church When I Was 6 Because It Opposed Abortion – IOTW Report

Remember this gem? Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church When I Was 6 Because It Opposed Abortion

LifeNews: In a new interview, Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, says she left the Baptist Church at the age of 6 because it has a strongly pro-life position opposing abortions.

Clinton made the comment at a recent fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in an attempt to address evangelicals who question her mother’s faith in God. She said she was upset when teachers in a Sunday School class talked about the wrongness of abortion.

“I find it quite insulting sometimes when people say to my mom, my dad or me . . . that they question our faith,’ said Chelsea. “I was raised in a Methodist church and I left the Baptist church before my dad did, because I didn’t know why they were talking to me about abortion when I was 6 in Sunday school — that’s a true story.”  MORE

20 Comments on Remember this gem? Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church When I Was 6 Because It Opposed Abortion

  1. LOL!

    The spawn of Webster Hubbel was spared from abortion because of political expediency.

    Hilliary had multiple abortions until Bill explained to her the need to have a child for optics.

  2. Even as an adult, she just doesn’t get it.

    Just because you sat your ass in a Chevy dealer’s showroom doesn’t make you a Corvette. Same thing goes for sitting in a pew.

    1 Cor 1:18-20
    “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?”

  3. I think she is really saying that she had her first abortion at 6. Contrary to the Clinton manifesto, it is still incest when its with your step daughter, Bill.

  4. If you have to use the phrase “and that’s a true story” when giving a speech, everyone then knows it’s pure horseshit.

    It’s a sure tell, just lkke Obama’s “let me be perfectly clear on this.” You know a whopper is coming.

  5. I went to a Baptist church all the way to age 13. Never once did any one discuss with me abortion. They were too busy telling me I was going to hell if I didn’t repent. Chelsea is full of shit.

  6. The press has been criticized for not asking Chelsea the same questions Ivanka Trump has been asked about how her father treats women.

    If they ever decide to, they should be sure to ask about Bill Clinton by name rather than just about “her father” to avoid ambiguity, confusion, and obfusclintonation.

  7. If being ugly both on the outside and inside was a cause for an abortion she should thank her lucky stars she didn’t get sold as fetal body parts!

  8. Chelsea Hubbell is one butt ugly bitch. She spent how many thousands of dollars of plastic surgery and she can’t erase the stain of Webb Hubbell from her face.

    There’s no way her husband can get turned on looking at that. He must use two Popsicle sticks and some twine to make his dick stand up.

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