Remember This One? – IOTW Report

Remember This One?

Hey, if we can find one more video of a black cop punching a girl than we can declare it an epidemic and a crisis that needs to be fixed. Am I right Nancy?

(WTH the fix is I have no idea, but if the left is in charge it will involve some sort of tax or wealth redistribution where the middle-class gets screwed.)

10 Comments on Remember This One?

  1. Where is the footage that precedes this clip and presumably shows what the snowflake did (or said) that caused the officer’s reaction?

    She was shooting silly string at the police, which they were tolerating. Then someone threw a cup of water on the lieutenant, when he turned she jumped back like she was the guilty party. So he slugged her. -bfh

  2. Ooh, this is a toughie for me… Do I side with the lighter-skinned (ie. “White-looking”) female lawbreaker who’s probably some kind of Commie Leftist activist, or the obviously negro police officer who (at least in theory) supports the rule of law and the Constitution? Through which perspective should I view the event, my rabid racism or my Right-Wing Capitalist Patriarchal Sexism?
    Oh wait, I’m not an ideological Progtard Hack! I’m not required to view the event through any lens except the truth and common sense!!! Whew, that was a close one. My hypocrisy could’ve been exposed for the world to see!!!

    To be honest, it looks to me like the cop was initially going in for a grab, that she kinda turned and stepped into the path of, and it sorta morphed into more of a “swat” that caught her right in the pie hole! You can see that his immediate reflexive reaction is to reach out with the other arm to try to save her from falling backward and getting hurt, and an “OH Shit” look at his right hand as if to say, “Damn, I wasn’t trying to “hit” her”…
    But then again, I’m getting sicker and sicker of this mindset and atmosphere of far too many cops and other “Officials” that they are justified and authorized to just assume control and authority over any and everybody with whom they come into contact, JUST BECAUSE… as if being a govt employee gives them a “right” to govern everybody else!!! And by govern I mean CONTROL!!!
    Tuck Fhat!!! Is this still a nation of individual rights and a self-governing people, or not? Because if it is, you can stick them handcuffs, seatbelt tickets, gun registries, and your multi-million-dollar extortion, incarceration, and loot collection centers* up your ass and go investigate a real crime somewhere… somewhere where you’re wanted and needed, and stay the hell out of my personal business unless I call and ask for your input, jerk!

    *Durham County just completed their new $120-MILLION Dollar “State of the Art”, LEED certified, Hi-tech GREEN “JUSTICE CENTER” right beside the $70million-dollar “Hi-Tech” “Detention Facility” they finished building a couple of years ago….
    When you walk up to the bank of 12’wide x 15’high Stainless Steel doorways, with massive lock handles and rows of exposed (if not faux) 3″ chrome rivets, I swear it looks and feels like you’ve walked into the “Ministry of Magic” from Deathly Hallows when Voldemort has taken control of the Ministry and transformed the fountain statue to reflect the Purebloods standing tall atop a mountain of the bodies of muggles, mudbloods, and all the other “insignificant” lesser magical creatures like house elves and centaurs etc… I half expected to see a huge banner or inscription that read “MAGIC IS MIGHT” !!! or in their case, “BADGES IS MIGHT”!!!*
    grrrrrrr!!! ok, I’m done now!

  3. What does the white shirt signify? The other cops are all in blues. Maybe the guy they call when a woman gets too mouthy for the blue shirts to handle?

    And was that a smile on that blue shirt’s face when the gal got smacked? my eyes ain’t the best.

  4. Oh. Well, I guess he would know the rules better than the lower rank officers then.

    He didn’t have to hit her like that. Bad example for all the others. Now they will be doing the same unless he gets canned. And I still don’t think it’s right for a man to hit a woman.

  5. I hate cops. Never met a single one who was a decent human being. That affirmative action pig should be shot for that. And if he was a white shithead pig I would say the same damn thing. The one that tripped a girl on a football field, the one that punched a girl over a metal bench, all of them SHOT. Think they would slow their jack booted criminal thuggery if they KNEW they would get shot? And if they all quit, so fucking what. It’s not like they are protecting us. Sadistic revenue generators is all they are.

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