Remember when the Obama Admin. Offered to Share Syria Intel on Terrorists With Russia? – IOTW Report

Remember when the Obama Admin. Offered to Share Syria Intel on Terrorists With Russia?

Tammy Bruce: 

When President Hopey-Changey did it, they called it “enhanced information sharing.”

But when President Trump speaks to the Russians, Dems call it “impeachable offense” ?

Got it.

The Obama administration has offered to help Russia improve its targeting of terrorist groups in Syria if Moscow will stop bombing civilians and opposition fighters who have signed on to a cease-fire and use its influence to force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to do the same….


9 Comments on Remember when the Obama Admin. Offered to Share Syria Intel on Terrorists With Russia?

  1. Obama wasn’t upsetting the socialist dynamic of the One World Order.

    Trump IS upsetting the socialist dynamic of the One World Order.

    Big difference.

    Trump, and people who believe in the former USA resurrecting itself are the problem. That means people like you and me are the true targets.

  2. How about the “hot mic” incident when Obama informed the Russian Foreign Minister that he would have flexibility after his last election in 2012?


    Fake news. Never happened.

  3. I remember Jessie Waters recently provided quotes to college lame brains who believed President Trump was the author. The numbskulls were flabbergasted they belonged to Obama.
    Proof the left have poisoned the minds of children in the schools

  4. Trump should have Sessions go after Hillary, barky, lynch, holder, mcstain, schumer and all the other corrupt criminals that have gotten away with felonious behavior for years.
    If they want to play the impeach game get hillary and barky. No more hypocrisy from the left!

  5. Okay Trump, time to quickly get all of your people in place and then unleash the full power of the government on the sewer rats who are infecting the body politic!

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