Remembering 9/11: Tributes to victims in New York, Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon – IOTW Report

Remembering 9/11: Tributes to victims in New York, Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon

Ceremonies are being held in New York, Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon Wednesday to remember the nearly 3,000 who lost their lives in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

12 Comments on Remembering 9/11: Tributes to victims in New York, Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon

  1. I’ll never forget turning on radio on my way to work! I thought well they finally did it, recalling the earlier attempt some years prior. An hour or so later–and I was all alone in the office–a copier guy showed up chatting as he worked and told me You haven’t heard about the Pentagon. Pentagon!!!! Our kids had numerous programs in school about it.

  2. On September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorists attacked American cities without warning and mercilessly slaughtered American civilians in the name of a!!ah.

    7 years later, we had a Muslim president.

    Seems to me the Afganistan surrender of America was presaged by the DC surrender of America.

    And the enemies of this Nation have dishonored the dead every day in every way ever since.

    Not just the foreign enemies. They would never be able to of themselves,

    But the Democrat enemies ruling from their stolen offices from atop mounds of treasure looted from American citizens.

    Reflect on the fallen, this day as always. Not just here but over the 23 years since, and still counting.

    We begin a losing war that day that would have been one long ago had not this Nation been taken by viperous traitors.

    And the killing will continue until those traitors are no more.

    23 years of surrender.

    We all know what has to happen for there to not be 24.

    Pray for the families of those fallen in this endless war. Those now dead, and those who soon will be.

    And consider how best to avenge them.

    While we can.

  3. Very sad day. My husband turned 50 on his first deployment to Afghanistan. Our lives were defined by his three deployments.
    Now our Country is being torn apart by our own leaders. While American blood was being spilled overseas our enemies were being brought here. Now the borders are wide open. All the sacrifice and our own politicians are destroying everything.

  4. …and on this 9/11, certain to be minimized by Democrats, I would like to take a moment to address a “Chaplain” thread from last week, where the Communists among us, in their never-ending quest to pervert the language and denegrate all that is good and holy, tried to take that title for their own worship of those who try to usurp God Himself by leading “worship” of the created and not the Creator..

    …I bring this up here and now because, on that solemn day and that dark hour, a TRUE Chaplain and Man of God strode into hellish danger without regard for his own life to minister to the victims of this Act of War and those risking their lives to rescue them, only to be the first firefighter on that day to be sent to Heaven when being struck from above by a victim who had been through Hell, Franciscan Father Mychal F. Judge.

    …THIS is what a TRUE Chaplain is. Saving souls along with lives while putting his OWN life in God’s Hands. A man such as this carries the Annnointing of the Lord, to those who need it most, serving honorably and anonymously in FDs, PDs, and military units everywhere, providing God’s Mercy and Comfort to those in the most dire of circumstances because, at the end of the day, saving a man’s life is temporary, but saving his SOUL is ETERNAL.

    Remember this man and those like him on this deadly day, and regard them in comparison with what frauds and blasphemies the Left would set up in their place.

    The Annointed of God live forever in Heaven, while those who mock them earn only the flames of Hell.

    And they know that, and hate because of it even more, because thats all their father the devil knows, which drives them ever more furiously to mock that which they can never understand.

    I will close with a daily prayer said by the Father himself.

    “Lord, take me where You want me to go;
    Let me meet who You want me to meet;
    Tell me what You want me to say, and
    Keep me out of Your way.”

    …may the Lord bless and help the families of the victims of 9/11, be it 2001, 2012, or 2021.

    May the Lord bless and keep all who took up the mantle in their wake.

    And may God bless those who minister to them.



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