Remembering Chris Stevens: an Ambassador Betrayed – IOTW Report

Remembering Chris Stevens: an Ambassador Betrayed

Ambassador christopher stevens 0

CFP– Hillary Clinton stood before the coffin that held the cold, dead body of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and blamed his death on a video that supposedly insulted Muslims. If telling a lie is not a betrayal, then what is?

In her Dover Air Force Base statement Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, said, “We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with.”

Later, the lie was confirmed. Writing in Town Hall, Rachel Alexander claims,  “Conservatives were flabbergasted when (General) Petraeus defended the administration shortly after the attack, repeating what U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice had said on television about a video being responsible for the attack…After Petraeus was forced out over (an) affair, he switched his story, and.. .told Congress that classified intelligence had been provided to the White House showing that the attack came from terrorists. It is now known that the American consulate in Benghazi alerted the White House several hours prior to the attack that they feared one was eminent. Petraeus testified that the White House withheld that information from the public…”  more

15 Comments on Remembering Chris Stevens: an Ambassador Betrayed

  1. In 1983 a woman, Diane Downs, shot her three children, killing one of them and disabling the other two for life. She is described by psychologists as “narcissistic, histrionic and anti-social.” Her changing story over the years began with blaming a “bushy-haired stranger.”

    It raises the hair on the back of my neck, still, to know that hillary clinton leaned-in close to one of the deceased’s parents and quietly assured them that no stone would be left unturned to bring the killers to justice. She said these things knowing full well that there was no video. The video is clinton’s bushy-haired stranger.

  2. You know what pisses me to fuck off? The fact that we’ve known this shit for years We know her blaming some asshole video maker for Benghazi was a lie. We know that arresting and jailing the poor stupid bastard was a disgrace. But there she is, Miss fucking America, running for the Presidency!!!!
    And the MSM don’t like Trumps “tone.” Gimmeafuckinbreak!

  3. Through incompetence, deceit, deception and quest for power and money Hillary betrayed not just those at Benghazi, but the entire Nation. The blood of American Warriors will always remain on her hands.

    Every time I see or hear Hillary my thoughts are of those who were brutally murdered and paraded through the streets and air waves.

    Hillary truly is a traitor and master of deceit.
    May she rot in Hell for all eternity!

  4. Tommy, you know the LSM rules of engagement:

    Hitlery = sainted lib vision of perfection.

    Trump = greedy capitalist bastard.

    But I hear ya. I wanted to hurl when Jason Matter got right in her ugly – assed face and asked her to autograph her last book (which I’m using as a doorstop BTW) to Chris Stevens and she looked at him like he was some annoying little gnat.

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