Remembering My First Mugging – IOTW Report

Remembering My First Mugging

American Thinker/Jack Cashill:

The racial/ethnic language in this piece is precisely what was used at the time. My apologies in advance if it offends anyone, especially my Italian cousins and black nephews.

In the aftermath of the Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearing on Thursday, there was a good deal of discussion about how much victims of a traumatic experience are expected to remember.

Although I have been seriously threatened on two occasions – kids, don’t hitchhike – I have never been sexually assaulted.  I have, however, been mugged.  When I stopped to question what I remember about that incident, the answer was “everything.”  Although I was only nine years old at the time, I can corroborate my story.  Prey to the unknowable logic of motherhood, my mom chose to paste the newspaper account of this, my first official mugging, in her scrapbook. I was in the fourth grade at the time.

Dad Avenges $3 Robbery

Three 11-year-old boys were arrested by the detective father of a 9-year-old boy whom the trio stopped on the street and robbed of $3 yesterday in front of 55 Myrtle Avenue.

As the Newark Evening News told the tale, I was returning home from the grocery store where I “had gone on an errand” – a quaint notion – when the three boys stopped me.  One boy held his hands over my eyes while the other boys rifled my pockets.  The trio then fled.  I reported the incident to my father, “Detective William Cashill of the Youth Aid Bureau,” and then we “toured the neighborhood” until I pointed out the boys.  The three confessed and were released to their parents’ custody.  End of story.

Not quite.  The truth, as always, was a bit more complicated.  The three “older” boys were black.  I did not resist when the one kid put his hands over my eyes because I thought the hands belonged to a friend of mine from the block. “Earl,” I joked, “is that you?”  more here

5 Comments on Remembering My First Mugging

  1. Jack Cashill SPOT on as usual.

    Me and a friend were walking back from the pet shop in Co-op City, Bronx, NY and in a Clockwork Orange setting but in a BLACK droogie way, found ourselves in a modern day mall open alley right at sunset.

    One of the perps was wearing a RED WHITE lettered football jersey.

    They blocked us from continuing up the ramp we were on to the point they broke a amber glass bottle and slashed my friend in the upper arm.

    The thing is, it was a early winter night in ’76 and my friend had a BLUE puffy jacket with the feathers in it that prevented any wound…this was the 70’s with those jackets.

    I remember their names to this day. Patrick and Spinks.

    The latter was nicknamed after a boxer.

    It wasn’t good enough that we kicked their asses on the asphalt football jungle field that we fended them off
    in a Modernist perp trap.

    They never messed with us again.

    I can HEAR the bottle breaking on the stainless steel pipe rail on the ramp to this day. You know Being attacked.

    So to that, you #METOO effers who justify forgetting where you were and who took you home! Eff off!


  2. @ghost
    After I came back from the far east I was stationed at Camp Lejeune. At the time Leon Spinks was a hot item in the USMC boxing circuit and bound for the 76 Olympics.

  3. I remember the first Fag Bathhouse I ever went in.
    Uncle Frank took me … and made me the main attraction!
    It was like being a star!

    Made a man of me, that day. I was 12.

  4. The point the left is never going to account for is yes we all remember vividly trauma in our youth even from a young age that’s why Ford’s story doesn’t add up she is just another Democrat protested a lying POS. Why can’t we bring back flogging?


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