Removing Ronna – IOTW Report

Removing Ronna

Is this the smoking gun to finally remove Ronna McDaniel?

Revolver: If there’s one RINO bum whom the America First base would love to see removed, it’s Ronna McDaniel. When this woman isn’t spending thousands on plastic surgery and fancy new clothes, she’s busy advancing the interests of the GOP establishment. Thanks to Ronna, we’re stuck with RINO candidates who have zero interest in promoting the America First agenda, and that’s precisely how she wants to keep it. Unfortunately, President Trump hasn’t fully thrown his weight behind removing Ronna, and that’s understandable to a certain extent. After all, she’s firmly entrenched in the RNC, and ousting her would be a messy process. Right now, Trump needs to ensure he doesn’t alienate big donors. However, the tide might be turning, and Ronna’s days could be numbered, thanks to recent information that just surfaced regarding the RNC’s fundraising numbers.

Popular America First influencer Scott Presler shared the bad news on X, and it could very well be the “smoking gun” needed to finally begin the removal process of RINO Ronna. more

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