Renewable power fails in Germany – IOTW Report

Renewable power fails in Germany

American Thinker:

By Mark Landsbaum

No one can tax and regulate you enough to come close to making it feasible for solar and wind power to replace fossil fuels — but count on them to continue taxing and regulating you until you scream “Enough!”  And then probably continuing to tax and regulate long after that, too.

Germany is even farther down the alternative energy road to oblivion than the U.S., and the Germans are running up against multiple insurmountable roadblocks.

Exorbitant tax subsidies haven’t helped, except to drain taxpayers’ pocketbooks and enrich industries that otherwise wouldn’t be profitable enough to exist.  With hubris typical of tax-and-spend fanatics, Germans decided last year to shut down their entirely reliable, less costly to operate 84 coal-power plants in addition to closing all their nuclear power plants.

Now the Germans are discovering what should have been obvious before they shot themselves in the foot: the alternatives of wind and solar power tremendously costly and will remain completely unreliable to provide energy 24/7, 365 days a year at any price. READ MORE

20 Comments on Renewable power fails in Germany

  1. In the US, the war against fossil fuels has raged for 50 years. Only the shale gas boom has drastically accelerated coal’s demise. EPA did the rest.
    Reckless abandonment of reliable generation and transmission is a matter of national security in the direst sense.

  2. Aunt Jemima is no more. Cancel people don’t like it. It’s getting a brand change.

    Now there will be a picture of Samuel Jackson and it will be called Mother’s Fucker.

  3. From space, photographs, difficult to find since they are censored, rare earth mining spots in Africa the size of Delaware, using labor not as well treated as a slave, run by Chinese entities of the military dot the continent. Mostly needed for batteries used in electric cars and as storage use when wind and/or sun is unavailable. The life of these batteries is generally under 3000 starts regardless of hours of use per start…The cost of each battery is not counted in order to make it appear that it is almost competitive …but the biggest lie, the typical example of Leftist pretense to care about the earth, is that there mention of the massive superfund dumps needed for wasted exhausted batteries. Nuclear waste is a big problem but so is battery waste. This cost and headache is unavoidable unless we send all waste to India where tens of thousands of children will break the waste down into pellets that can be used to build phones.

  4. I realize that my experience with electric cars Is limited therefore anecdotal but perhaps instructive. Getting a ride wit h my sister and her hubby to Santa Rosa ca., I found out that their Dodge Ram was now replaced by a Chevy Volt,red in color. So, less room but off we went from Vegas with the ac on and listening to the two extol how wonderful the car was and I commented that it had two electric motors on wheels and a gas engine..much more items that could fail. Hardly said, a monitor indicated that the ac was drawing too fast from the battery and it shut off with three people over 72 in 102 degree heat doing 70 mph to keep the hot breeze going…when one electric motor became unsynchronized and battery draw down increased so, not to worry my sister said, we will go to gas engine which could not charge the battery and an ac and exceed 40 mph. So, pulling into the luxury hotel 4 hours late, we retired and I marked electric cars off any mental list I may have had…but up early to meet the tow truck and go fix the Volt,..could not find it for a minute but slowly, we realized that the white Volt was my sister,s new car and to this day we have never figured out who and why someone painted the car. Good job though

  5. “Renewable” power.
    That’s one of the problems with the neo-luddites and their war on civilization.

    ALL of it is “renewable” in the sense that energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only changed from one form to another.
    Petroleum is “renewable.”
    Coal is “renewable.”
    Wood is “renewable.”
    Natural gas is “renewable.”
    Un-Natural gas is “renewable.”

    We simply have to discover the most efficient ways to reunite Carbon to Hydogen without the Oxygen.
    Photosynthesis is the most well-known, but bacterio-synthesis (?) plays a much greater role though it’s done out of sight – under the fantastic pressures at the bottoms of the oceans.

    The nihilists are at war with civilization and “green” shit is just one aspect.
    #GreenLiesMatter, too!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “enrich industries that otherwise wouldn’t be profitable enough to exist”
    This is a lot of the funding the Democrats subsidized. Companies that reward them personally.
    I think it has to do with the “Magic Book Deals” they get.
    Clinton’s have received $21M+, and estimates of 3000 books sold. That’s $7000 per book.
    If ethanol is such a magical fuel, why isn’t it used?
    Does the removal of oil and natural gas create more volcanoes, removing the hydraulic cushion from the earths surface?
    Why hasn’t any mention been made about the decrease of pollution from the shut down. Shouldn’t the earth be making a rapid recovery?
    How many electric cars does it take to offset one private jet?
    Follow the money.


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