Renowned Psychoanalyst: Trump ‘Real American Nationalist’ with ‘Observable Love of His Country’ – IOTW Report

Renowned Psychoanalyst: Trump ‘Real American Nationalist’ with ‘Observable Love of His Country’

BigJournalism: Before BuzzFeed Editor Ben Smith published his smug Wednesday memo in which he defended BuzzFeed writers who want to call Trump a “mendacious racist” on social media, he interviewed a renowned psychoanalyst who told him that Trump is a “real American nationalist” with an “observable… love of his country.”

trump border hat

Stanley Renshon, “a practicing psychoanalyst who also has a Ph.D. in political science and teaches at the City University of New York Graduate Center,” has written books that are, according to Smith, “a clockwork feature of American public life: fascinating and the product of serious intellectual labor.”

Smith said he “needed a bit of expertise” about Trump, so he contacted Renshon, who—lo and behold—also “shares with Trump a skepticism about immigration.”  read more

9 Comments on Renowned Psychoanalyst: Trump ‘Real American Nationalist’ with ‘Observable Love of His Country’

  1. The problem is that too many PC, America hating liberals have taken it upon themselves to be the voice of America and that is why they attempt to make Trump look like he is outside the status quo.

  2. Trump is the only candidate not mired in mendacity. The rest, with the exception of Cruz, are a bunch of mealy-mouthed, disingenuous, lying, back-stabbing, maggots.

    And CHEB! is the worst of the worst.

    I will write in “Trump” or “Cruz” rather than vote for that Menshevik.


  3. I prefer Cruz, but Trump is certainly acceptable on all issues.

    Neither are progressive establishment republicans and have the intestinal fortitude to stand their ground regardless of the unfounded and untrue attacks of the RINOs, socialist Dems and their paid media thugs.

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