Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) Calls for ‘Unrest in the Streets’ — Republicans ‘Turning a Deaf Ear’ to Americans’ Needs – IOTW Report

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) Calls for ‘Unrest in the Streets’ — Republicans ‘Turning a Deaf Ear’ to Americans’ Needs

Breitbart: Saturday on MSNBC, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) called for “unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.”

Pressley said, “Donald Trump knows that his failings are on the ballot, that we have lost hundreds of thousands of American lives that were preventable and that’s just the most egregious of his criminal negligence and sluggish response and science denies and his failures of leadership. He knows those failures are on the ballot, that the occupant of the White House is on the way to being a temporary one. As Dan Rather reminds us, cheaters are going to cheat. So the only way that he thinks he can be even remotely successful is to suppress and to undermine our democracy, beginning with the United States Postal Service, which is a war on them and the livelihood of those essential workers and their families and those who rely upon the critical services that the postal service provides. We have to continue to hold this administration accountable. At every turn, they have sought to obstruct, stonewall, and evade justice and accountability. I do think that DeJoy should resign and be subpoenaed to come before the Oversight Committee.” more

37 Comments on Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) Calls for ‘Unrest in the Streets’ — Republicans ‘Turning a Deaf Ear’ to Americans’ Needs

  1. The President’s job is to run the country, you do all your stupid stuff yourself.
    There is a line between civilized debate and mobs in the street;
    You may want to look up the definition of treason, it is still a hanging offense.

  2. If anyone has blood on their hands it’s the Commie Pinko Dem’s, whether it’s babies in the womb, old folks in nursing homes, shootings in the streets, they own it. 🤬

  3. @ Uncle Al AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 11:02 PM

    Absolutely and without question. The self hatred these assholes harbor is of biblical proportions. What we are seeing manifest is their self hatred being projected onto others. The Democrat Party has also inculcated a sense of envy that knows absolutely no limit. What they have done is convinced the disaffected and the dim witted that envy is not among the most terrible and destructive of sins, but actually a virtue.

    This is satanic my friends. It is an all out attack on The Good by losers who destroy just so that nobody can enjoy what they don’t have. They have no redeeming virtue, what they have is a compulsion to propagate an illusion of virtue.

    They are avowed enemies of The Good and I no longer have any feelings for them. Sympathy is out of the question, pity for their lost soul I no longer have any capacity for, it is only indifference to their suffering. I just don’t give a shit what they have done to themselves other than I despise them for what affect they have on others due to what they have dedicated their lives to.

  4. I’m beginning to wonder whether this is a last, frantic roll of the dice. Coming out to call for riots and looting (her words about unrest can easy be laid over video of the riots in ads) seems like they may know that they can’t get the clown car out of the ditch they’ve driven into by going in reverse so they are trying to go pedal to the metal forward with wilding in the streets to intimidate voters. Maybe it is a foretelling of a defeat of biblical proportions for the Dems as well as the destruction of whatever “moderate” elements there are in the party.

  5. What an egghead. Is she Humpty Dumpty’s adopted step sister from another mother? We are definitely living in an Alice In Wonderland fairy tale with the democraps taking us down the rabbit hole more and more every day into fantasy land where nothing makes sense.

  6. @JDHasty; “They are avowed enemies of The Good and I no longer have any feelings for them.”

    According to the Bible, Almighty God hates them!

    NIV) Proverbs 6:16-19
    16 There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven that are hated by Him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that kill those who are without guilt, 18 a heart that makes sinful plans, feet that run fast to sin, 19 a person who tells lies about someone else, AND ONE WHO STARTS FIGHTS AMONG BROTHERS (emphasis added).

    If it’s good enough for the Lord, it is most certainly good enough for me!

  7. all of a sudden I got this urge to slather a squeeze-tube of Miracle Whip & a bottle of Tabasco Sauce (I love that stuff!) all over that pate & bounce golf balls off of it

    wait … that wasn’t me ….

    … but couldn’t you just picture that mouth in a miniature golf course opening & closing while you’re trying to time your stroke to hit it through while it opens?

    thank you, I will have another drink

  8. Vote in person or put the ballot into the collection box. DO NOT vote bu mail. AT ALL! You enable cheating by mailing in ANY ballot. In person or in the box. No box, in person only.

  9. You want “Unrest in the Streets”?
    Where do you live?
    Unrest can be arranged right in front of your house.
    I guarantee you won’t like it.
    The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences will not be denied.

  10. The last time a Republican held this seat was 1923 and with it being in Boston with her district demographics at 33% white, 27% Black and 23% Hispanic it’s unlikely to ever be conservative again. I just hope this bald headed freak gets her wish and the riots starts in her district.

  11. someone needs to spread some “unrest” on this cunt personally, on her property, and her loved ones so SHE can feel what it is like to be helpless in the face of the rage she has advocated for and THEN get to feel it again and again, night and day, without let up…. just like she thinks is OK for everyone else to suffer through.

    Has anyone DOXXED this poor excuse for a cunt yet because SHE needs a wake-up call…..badly!

  12. @JDHasty August 17, 2020 at 11:26 pm

    My thoughts exactly, couldn’t have said it any better myself. Well done.

    That said, is she the one that left her wig on the diving board?

  13. The states should be able to keep peace and order in the streets of their cities. The liberal Trump deranged Governors and mayors screwed themselves! Lori Lightfoot rejected his offer for help and I hope voters will respond to the anti-American governance of their liberal, socialist do nothing leaders.

  14. @JDHasty 11:26PM
    “Absolutely and without question. The self hatred these assholes harbor is of biblical proportions. What we are seeing manifest is their self hatred being projected onto others. The Democrat Party has also inculcated a sense of envy that knows absolutely no limit. What they have done is convinced the disaffected and the dim witted that envy is not among the most terrible and destructive of sins, but actually a virtue.
    This is satanic my friends. It is an all out attack on The Good by losers who destroy just so that nobody can enjoy what they don’t have. They have no redeeming virtue, what they have is a compulsion to propagate an illusion of virtue.
    They are avowed enemies of The Good and I no longer have any feelings for them. Sympathy is out of the question, pity for their lost soul I no longer have any capacity for, it is only indifference to their suffering. I just don’t give a shit what they have done to themselves other than I despise them for what affect they have on others due to what they have dedicated their lives to.”
    10,000 thumbs up!
    This deserves a separate post by itelf for all iOTWers to see!


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