Rep Barbara Norton(D) Attacks Declaration Of Independence On House Floor – IOTW Report

Rep Barbara Norton(D) Attacks Declaration Of Independence On House Floor

TheHayride: HB 1035, a bill by Rep. Valarie Hodges that would have mandated that schoolchildren in Louisiana be taught the Declaration of Independence, sailed through the House Education Committee with a 6-2 vote. But Wednesday, when the bill reached the floor of the House, it had a different fate – amid a torrent of squabbling, Hodges returned the bill to the calendar and it’s likely finished for the session.

The Louisiana House of Representatives has 61 Republican members out of 105, and yet it was apparent no consensus for a cornerstone of basic civics in the state’s public schools was available to the bill’s supporters.

And yet, the bill did serve to provide a bit of civic education for the people of Louisiana – although perhaps not the lesson Rep. Hodges was looking for.

What we found out was something many of us knew – namely, that Rep. Barbara Norton, a Democrat from Shreveport, isn’t a fan of our founding documents – and also is a barely sentient being.

Have a look at Norton’s cranky questioning of Hodges about the Declaration of Independence, and consider the prospects of Louisiana’s legislature contributing positively to the state’s civic progress…  MORE


26 Comments on Rep Barbara Norton(D) Attacks Declaration Of Independence On House Floor

  1. The Declaration scares the snot out of Statists, Totalitarians, Socialists, Communists, “Progressives,” Fascists, National Socialists, “Leftists,” Demonrats, Republicans, and other assorted hate-American filth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I thought the Declaration of Independence was a list of our grievances with England and therefore we were breaking up with them. It doesn’t mention Slavery at all!

  3. She clearly wasn’t created equal. She’s 51 cards short of a full deck. And those who voted for her have a similar card shortage. Just more evidence that Obumbles is just the major symptom of the problems America faces. Not The Problem.

  4. I couldn’t get past the first minute or so.

    Yeah, honey, you’re damned straight when you say that not all men are created equal. Some, like you, are brainless, steaming piles of dog shit who serve only to waste oxygen.

  5. dullstard dumb foolish futile ill advised irrelevant laughable ludicrous naive senseless shortsighted simple trivial dummy loser thick unintelligent brainless dazed deficient dense dim doltish dopey gullible half-baked half-witted idiotic imbecilic inane mindless moronic nonsensical obtuse out to lunch…..

    I just found Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. It’s in Louisiana

  6. “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are LIFE LIBERTY and the pursuit of happiness ”
    Yes most people want to Have a life- to live free/ at liberty and pursue happiness and or their dreams. BUT we are not equal in the eyes of GOD. He lifts up some and puts others down. HE blesses some and curses others. He raised up Pharaoh to free his chosen people and then he drowned Pharaoh in the sea. Look around you- do you consider yourself equal to your neighbor or your neighbor to you? The Declaration of Independence was written during a time of religious persecution when men / women wanted to be free to seek happiness- to live in freedom from the government the escaped from. God raised up King Saul to lead Israel but later cursed him for disobedience and then raised up David who had a heart to follow God. IN the eyes of men we all want to be equal but in the eyes God we are not. It does not matter what people think or say about equality– but what does God think of your heart towards Him? Have a good day. 🙂

  7. WOW! She’s right up there with Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia, who feared that adding more Marines to the island of Guam would tip it over and capsize it.
    God help America. It makes me sad this Memorial Day to think of all the young brave men and women who gave their lives so that these caitiffs could govern us.

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