Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D- NM) Says Omar’s 9/11 Comment Was ‘Extremely Hurtful’ – IOTW Report

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D- NM) Says Omar’s 9/11 Comment Was ‘Extremely Hurtful’

WFB: Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D., N.M.) on Thursday said freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D., Minn.) comments about the September 11th attacks were “not only hurtful to me, but extremely hurtful to everyone who was personally impacted  by those terrorist attacks.”

Lujan, the assistant speaker of the House, appeared on MSNBC to discuss the “successes of House Democrats’ first 100 Days,” but Kasie Hunt started off the interview by asking him about Omar’s controversial September 11th comments.

Omar said the Council of American-Islamic Relations was founded after the terrorist attacks because “some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” The “some people did something” line sparked outrage, prompting the New York Post to publish a cover showing showing the World Trade Center towers being attacked and saying “Here’s your something.”

“Several of her colleagues have jumped to her defense. Do you think that she was inappropriately dismissive of what happened on September 11, 2001?” Hunt asked.

“Well, those statements were not only hurtful to me, but extremely hurtful to everyone that was personally impacted by those terrorist attacks,” Lujan said. “No one should refer to what happened on 9/11, with terrorist attacks that killed thousands of Americans, as ‘something by some people.’ And that’s what was wrong with those statements.”  more here

14 Comments on Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D- NM) Says Omar’s 9/11 Comment Was ‘Extremely Hurtful’

  1. Her statement should have been extremely hurtful and painful to all Americans born with a conscience. While some people lack a conscience I have doubts about their actual value and moral worth as a representative to Americans overall.

  2. Comments can only be “hurtful” if you’re expecting something else.

    Omar is a dirtbag anti-American pro-Sharia anti-Semite. So much so that godknowswhat she actually says in private that she’s so uncontrolled in public. I hope she keeps talking.

    (Why isn’t she in prison for immigration fraud.)

  3. Lots of demorats are wigging out over this demonic evil scrunt. Hopefully they’re not too far gone to figure things out. The real God is still on the throne and He’s Jewish. Haters like ill hand will forever be tormented by their hatred of the real God.

  4. She will continue to make comments like this because she has lived in a bubble of entitled, arrogant superiority fostered by her religion and a permissive, self-loathing western culture.

    She will never apologize for 9/11 because she sees 9/11 as a wildly successful and entirely justified attack that thrust Islam into favored and protected status in America. Her experience has been that the more often you spit in the face of your host, the more power you receive. Didn’t the flying imams come from her district? I’m sure they all get a good laugh about that, still.

    The irony for the Democrats is that Omar and Tlaib have made it a point to spit in their faces at every opportunity. I don’t know how much longer they will take it before lashing out, but I look forward to it because it will happen.

    Islam and the United States have been misreading each other since the Barbary Pirates.

  5. It was inevitable that the coalition that the Democrats have cobbled together would not crack, it would explode. The rage hopefully will turn inward toward the architects of this marriage made in hell.

  6. Omar’s (D., Minn.) comments about the September 11th attacks were not only hurtful to me, but extremely hurtful to everyone who was personally impacted by those terrorist attacks.

    As an American living almost 500 miles away from New York city, not directly involved in any way, I can tell you I was absolutely “personally impacted” watching our country being attacked! Make no mistake about it, these savage, brutal, cave-men are Hell-Bent on worldwide conquest and domination through the use of indiscriminate death and destruction at any opportunity while operating under the cover of a sick, twisted, so-called “religion”! Denying the truth with Political Correctness will only get us killed.
    Quod Erat Demonstrandum


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