Rep. Bishop becomes first Republican to publicly support ousting McCarthy over debt ceiling deal – IOTW Report

Rep. Bishop becomes first Republican to publicly support ousting McCarthy over debt ceiling deal

Just The News: Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) on Tuesday became the first House Republican to publicly approve of forcing Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) out of his position as speaker over the debt ceiling deal he reached with President Joe Biden. 

Bishop was the only Republican at a House Freedom Caucus press conference Tuesday to raise his hand to signal that he would support ousting McCarthy over the deal, which conservative Republicans say does not cut enough spending and raises the debt limit too much.

“I think it’s got to be done,” Bishop said after the press conference, The Hill reported.

He also said he would decide “in conjunction with others” about whether he should file a motion to vacate the chair, triggering a vote to remove McCarthy from his position as speaker.

The House Freedom Caucus reportedly discussed forcing a vote to remove McCarthy during a call Monday. 

6 Comments on Rep. Bishop becomes first Republican to publicly support ousting McCarthy over debt ceiling deal

  1. so he left the 87,000 new IRS agents in there, did not remove the forgiveness of College loans and did not provide funding to stop the millions streaming across the border. IF he is not RECALLED immediately, there truly is only ONE UNIPARTY.

  2. Mitch – the man who “moved mountains” to confirm M. Garland as A.G. – said its a good deal!?!@#$%&*?!

    If Garland is a good AG then this is a good deal.

    In plain American
    Kev CAPITULATED; or lied from the start!

  3. All taxpayer money is laundered and each congressman gets a cut. Those bitching loudest feel that they are being cheated of their fair share. One’s standing in congress determines their share thus McCarthy is among those at the top.

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