Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) denounces Ilhan Omar’s ‘unbelievable’ dismissal of 9/11 attacks – IOTW Report

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) denounces Ilhan Omar’s ‘unbelievable’ dismissal of 9/11 attacks


Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, called out Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., on Twitter for a video that showed Omar referring to the Sept. 11 attacks as “some people who did something” at an event supporting the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as ‘some people who did something,'” Crenshaw tweeted. “Unbelievable.”

Omar was speaking at an event supporting the council, an organization that the United Arab Emirates, a Muslim-majority country, considers a terrorist organization with ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, when she said it was founded after the deadly terrorist attacks in New York.

“CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties,” Omar said.  more

h/t PHenry.

22 Comments on Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) denounces Ilhan Omar’s ‘unbelievable’ dismissal of 9/11 attacks

  1. I just checked (well, Wikipedia) because I was certain CAIR existed prior to 9/11. It was in fact founded in 1994, partially as a response to the movie True Lies.
    I recall James Taranto of WSJ noting that their donations had dropped significantly after ‘some Muslims did something’.

  2. You know when you’re old? When you watch some geezer flip out over some dusty old chit that doesn’t matter to anyone who matters — because they were born after it happened; and you still remember the dusty old chit that geezer’s daddy flipped out over the new geezer not caring about — because it happened before he was born.

    Muh 9/11!

    Muh Holocaust!

    Muh Confederacy!

    No. Don’t worry, son old man. We’ll never forget. We’ll never roll out of the La-Z-Boy to do anything about it. But we’ll never forget.

  3. I’m almost certain that the spin on “some people did something” will be that she meant “Some Republicans passed the Patriot Act”. The dirty little weasel bitch will raise her shahada shitfinger and call us racist white nationalists for assuming she was referring to the 9/11 terrorists.

  4. FDR didn’t address a Joint Session of the US Congress on December 8, 1941, with unremarkable words about “some people who did something” the day before at Pearl Harbor. This Muslima has reduced the attacks on the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon to a nonevent. More people were killed on 9/11 than on 12/7 at Pearl Harbor. Most Americans consider these dates to be infamous days in our country’s history. If the Democrat Party that spawned this ungrateful Mohammedan doesn’t shut her seditious mouth, she’s going to be a major factor in the next election in Minnesota.

  5. I was born just over 15 years after Pearl Harbor and I remember hearing about it constantly all through my childhood & college years, and long after. Do kids today ever hear about 9/11 in school or anywhere? Probably not much unless they have conservative friends on social media.

  6. …I would call it a lot of things, but not “unbelievable”.

    Anything MORE from a Muslima would have been the surprise, not this.

    She’s NOT loyal to the United States. She’s loyal to the Koran, to Mohammad, and to the Ummah. And THEY all think 9/11 (BOTH of them) was swell.

  7. That is the essence of the muzz co-opting of the liberal playbook, the result being that the aggressive perpetrators cast themselves as the victim.

    I don’t care of it’s Omar or Jussie Smollet. They all use the same playbook.

  8. That Moslem bitch is lying like a Cortez.

    CAIR was founded in 1994.

    America, take that Trojan Horse out of Congress. You know what’s going to happen. More “people are going to do something” to the USA.

  9. That “something” Jihadists did was to kill 2977 people. Left out the 19 savages Omar calls “people” in that count. They are not the victims and their civil liberties were never inhibited or threatened. Omar considers the 911 Islamic terrorists heroes, but the truth is they’re monsters who deserve no vindication.

  10. What more evidence do people need then the atrocity of 911 and the stuff this little whore of the pedophile prophet says?

    I will never trust a muslim. They are commanded to kill me. What a barbaric false religion. If the Democrats had a moral compass they would censor her and demand her resignation and accept nothing less. Not a peep, so they hate Americans, too.


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