CTH: Representative Doug Collins and Asst. Attorney General Stephen Boyd blast Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler for blatant politicization of the House Judiciary Committee. go see
10 Comments on Rep Doug Collins and Asst. AG Stephen Boyd Blast Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler
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That Woman sitting below Him, Looks like She forgot to put Her Teeth
back in after oatmeal this morning !
Wow, that was powerful. Good for Rep Doug Collins. So glad Nadler didn’t cut his mike. It WAS a travesty. The tyrannical chairman, Nadler, needs to suffer for what he did.
Here is what happened yesterday:
When will someone finally point out to the American people that the democRATs are just plain, flat out, flop-sweat desperate? Flop-sweat desperate to do anything to keep from being indicted and prosecuted for the very crimes they attempted to blame President Trump for and flat-out flop-sweat desperate to get President Trump impeached or forced to resign in order to keep him from appointing yet another Supreme Court nominee!
There’s the whole motivation for this entire circus of preposterous distraction!
Since when did Jaba the Hutt follow parliamentary rules?
Where the hell is Preston Brooks when we need him. What I wouldn’t give to turn on C-span and see some other member of the House walk up to Nadler with a walking stick and beat a tub of lard off his fat ass
“The challenge we face is, if we don’t stand up to him together, today, we risk forever losing the power to stand up to any president in the future,” Nadler said of President Donald Trump. “The risk of not having the president as a dictator is very much at stake.”
Think about that comment against the backdrop of an 8-year Obama presidency.
These people are nothing but shameless, lying imposters.
This smacks of the cheerleader getting raped by the quarterback of the high school football team.
She might get loud, but she’s still gonna’ get raped.
And if that team is winning that year, too bad for her. Nothing will happen to the rapist.
Sports, politics, war. Truth don’t matter, the participants are transitory, and the people making big money on all three are the ones in charge. And that my friends is constant as the Northern Star.
Someone really needs to kick Jerry in his little Nadlers!
The Republicans need to start carrying those
hand held loudspeaker mikes to make nogoNadsler
twitch a bit when his cut off switch doesn’t work.
Cherry Nadler would be best off
fading away and collecting his pensions
And maybe that way
no one would remember
what a stupid-ass jerk he was
What a posturing
ignorant pig he was
Cherry Nadler
He’ll probably not even get a footnote.